Video Conference With Me ? I use Jitsi Meet
Yes some other video
conference software & services will be OK too, I am
not averse to trying _some_; But some are known Bad,
Insecure, & best avoided. I do not use software riddled
with security loopholes, nor do I use proprietary commercial
technologies promoted by mega corporations trying to
privatise the Internet. If you use a brand leader just
because associates do, & have given it no thought, Start
Would it be better discussed on a Mail list
I am also choosey what other software & services &
info sources I use, eg:
- I do NOT use
Microsoft, I use free public domain sourced
software, eg I use
- I mostly avoid google search & use other search
- I don't use [Anti-]Social Web sites riddled with the
anonymous, the clueless, chain mail forwarders, those who
fail to provide references, trolls, malicious, rumour
mongers, zombie followers, & [ro]bots run by governments
& corporations to spread lies & adverts, etc.
- Why stated ? It can save time & trouble if some do
Not contact

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