Conrad Cyclocomputer King Nova BC-780

2 Euro coin for scale
I could not find a manual for this on web, I asked Conrad im
Tal, Munich, Germany who (@2012.08) also dont have info as too
old, So here's a scan of my paper manual in German
- booklet.pdf
- for_screen.pdf
Was produced by using cp then xv to manually crop page
images, then re-number & reassemble with tiffcp but it
comes out a bit bigger, & loses resolution, + an
anti-aliasing problem is evident.
- re_ordered_pages.txt
recovered by (Optical Character Recognition) with
tesseract -l deu doc.tiff doc then manually
- to_print.txt
- if you want it in English go to:
- There should be, somewhere globaly, a manual in English,
as the config first offers mile/h, then km/hr as alternate,
& all acronyms like SPD for speed, etc, are all English
acronyms, not German.
Please email me if you have an
English manual (paper or PDF, whatever).