--- Page Below Is Obsolete
If You
Get Stuck
- First Set Your Mailer To
Plain Text Ascii
- People sometimes fail the first few times with Majordomo: No problem, do Not be
discouraged ! Just a simple learning process, give it a
few goes, analyse the responses for a few minutes, Succeed
after a few tries learning & tell your friends you too
learnt OK, & not a lazy moaner

Would you learn to drive a car like that ?
- Would you jump in a car like a clueless monkey, jerk
pedals, levers & wheel, and Crash ?
- Would you complain to a garage mechanic 'cos a fuel
pump jumped in the way of your car ?
- When there was a Free car wash machine would you
obstinately refuse to use it ?
- Would you beg, scream & threaten a garage mechanic
demanding an unpaid manual car wash ?
- A mechanic who freely maintained a Free Car Wash, would
regard you with contempt.
- Similarly, Do Not ask the administrator of the Free
Mail Robot to waste his time unpaid, doing your
subscription work for you, because you'r too lazy. Do It
Yourself !
- Those too lazy to learn who also complain are wasters,
complaints worthless, & automaticaly silently deleted
Try Reading, Experimenting, Thinking & Retrying till you
This page Below here is not yet merged.
Some content repeated, as
I Have No Time, So.
Do Not ask me for my non existant free time to help
- Do Not ask list or robot
owner to waste his/her time unpaid, because you are
too lazy to learn, thus wilfully ignorant.
- Learn to use the Free Majordomo It always works correctly,
& never fails,
It is Always people too lazy to Think,
or people failing to Set Their Mailer
To Plain Text Ascii before sending Ascii plain text to Majordomo.
- Do not mail list or majordomo
owner before you try a minimum of 4 mails to Majordomo, analysing
responses. Analyse &
enclose copies of all 4 attempts to list or robot
owner: what you sent Majordomo,
what you got back & how you learnt & improved on
it: Show you are not another lazy lame brain; Show you
really did try to do your own subscription, & gain the
sympathy of the list or robot owner to donate his/her time
to helping you. Those who do not try
hard are Ignored.
If you mail the owner using HTML
mail, the owner will presume you also failed
to Set your mailer to Ascii
plain text before mailing Majordomo, so you
will be ignored or told:
Try Majordomo again using
a mail tool that you first Set To Plain
Text Ascii before you send Ascii plain text to Majordomo .
If you remain too lazy to learn, thus
wilfully ignorant:
- Realise the list or robot owner's time is NOT free
for you to waste. ... Either:
- Buy someone else, a Beer or cake for advice
how to use Majordomo .
(Yes a Beer
costs less than a pizza, The list or robot owner would
prefer you reward others to encourage spread of skill.
The list or robot owner does not want you to waste
his/her time.) ... Or
- Cease to be another lazy wilfully ignorant person
making lame excuses, & engage brain & Learn to
use Majordomo ! ... Or
Pay In Advance, Before asking to waste list or
robot owner's
Pay a charity, eg
- Red
- Any other charity that would encourage the
list or robot owner to waste his/ her time on
10 Euros & surface post the list or robot
owner the receipt stamped by the bank.
- List owners & robot owner etc never accept
payment. Nor will we do internet banking for you,
or anything else that involves us wasting our time
for you.
- If you want to waste our time, first You must
donate direct to a charity & provide receipt !
(It would make no sense for us to incur the time
overhead of receipts, accounting & tax, for
trivial amounts from troublesome people who are too
lazy & wilfuly ignorant to learn the free
- Any unsubscribing have already received free
service on the list, & should be grateful for
what was already received free. They are Not
entitled to freely waste the time of list or robo
owner to personaly unsubscribe them.
- The robot never fails, it's Always the human
too lazy to learn !
- Always people wanting to save their time by
wasting the list or robot owners time instead,
claiming they are too busy, lazy, or dumb &
trying to waste list or robot owners time free of
- List or robot owners are not interested what
your excuse is, our time is not yours free to
- Choose: Spend your time to learn to use the
robot or Spend your Money on charity, we list or
robot owners have no free time=money to waste.
- Top Of Majordomo
- Ask some more experienced friend / colleague if you
get stuck, (but NOT the Majordomo owner who gets
overloaded with admin tasks & help requests !)
- If you see someone struggling, offer them some
advice, & tell them they should in turn advise others
what they learnt too.
- Spread the skill base, so people become self
Top Of Majordomo
Do Not Complain !
- You pay
nothing & so are formally entitled to nothing in
return. Anything you receive is a free gift of services
& time from the domain owner, & list or robot
owner !
- You may pay your Internet provider for services but
you do not pay Berklix so do Not
aggressively demand your non-existent customer rights
with Berklix
- You don't even get advertised at, from
- Majordomo provides you a
free service from berklix
- Neither you nor anyone else pay the
majordomo-owner@ or list-owner@ for the time spent
administering your lists free of charge.
- There are many lists under, & many
people on the numerous lists - it's a statistical
inevitability some want to complain.
- That doesn't mean a complainant is right, some just
are anti-social, & like to moan. & attempt to
force the world to revolve round their personal
preferences, while making no contribution
- List & server admin is generally a thankless
unpaid pain, so don't make it feel like a waste of time
too, please.
If You Must (Sigh!) Complain - Do It Politely,
Constructively, Intelligently & above all Educatedly
- Ensure your complaint is not due to your own
- Complain to a list-owner@, but avoid complaining to
majordomo-owner@ unless you are sufficiently competent
to understand the server technical issues.
- Remember the unpaid list-owner@ or majordomo-owner@
might decide you'r more trouble than you'r worth, &
toss you off all groups & lists. Probably not, but
they have the power, & their time is Not yours to
gratuitously waste, so be polite &
Don't Complain - Contribute !
- Majordomo is a free
program from contributers: If you are too busy/ lazy/
wilfuly ignorant/ too mean/ to contribute your time or
money to enhance, pay others to enhance, or translate Majordomo program, documentation
& help scripts, don't expect others to be
interested in wasting their time or money addressing
your complaint.
- Majordomo provides all
that many of us need, but yes, nicer functionality will
be available some day:
Top Of Majordomo
- Learn to Help Yourself with Majordomo
Sorry, The Majordomo owner Has No Free Time To
Help You
Too Many People : There were 700 addresses on the
server at last look , most are not
computer competent, & would like peridioc free
personal help from a human, if they could get it free
of charge, when they can't be bothered to learn how to
use Majordomo. That's too
many People ! The administrator is Not Paid by anyone !
He only runs the server, He is NOT a free help desk for
you ! Learn to Help Yourself with Majordomo
- Instead the Majordomo owner
reserves his/her personal time for writing help pages such
as for Majordomo, & spends
time maintaining & enhancing the mail list server
infrastructure. The Majordomo
web page & robot are Free, so use them !
- If you don't understand. ask some friend, Not Me.
- Offer your friends money, Beer, or food to help
- Do Not Ask Me For Help
- I am a freelance
- My `free' time is scarce, valuable, & not yours to
- I am not paid to help you,
- I am not here to help you,
- I have no liability to help you.
- I cannot afford time to help you, Sorry.
- Very many know me, & would like to ask me for
occasional help - Thank goodness they do Not !
- Think what a constant waste of time that would
amount to for me !
- I reserve my time for the demanding stuff others
don't do: Server hardware, software, configurations
& documentation,
- Plus I help organise lots of events for various clubs,
- I give enough of my time away free.
- Do Not ask to consume my time. Go ask someone else
- I have no Time for clueless people who are too lazy to
first try hard to help themselves.
- Do Not Ask Me to help you
- My free time is very limited, & not for individuals
to consume. Many others can help clueless individuals.
- I am a freelance
computer consultant,
- It's Your problem to master Your mailer software,
it's no one else's problem, you have no right to demand
free help.
- Learn to drive your mailer properly, or get a better
one, & learn that instead.
- If you didn't choose your mailer, & your company
did, ask whoever is responsible for computer support in
your company.
- If your whole company is overloaded, & not enough
computer support is available, corporate computer support is
- Ask a more competent friend or colleague who knows
your mailer to talk you through how they send Ascii
- Install an extra mailer on your computer that your
friends & colleagues recommend, so they can advise
you how to use something they know.
- Get a friend to visit & install better mailer
software on your PC. Or visit a competent friend &
see how they install & use their mailer to send
- Try a different mailer at an Internet cafe
- Visit a friend/ colleague, connect to the net with
their computer rather than yours, probably using your
login name & password, & use their mailer to send
& confirm Ascii subscribe mail to & from Majordomo
- Tell a friend/ colleague your account & password,
& get them to use their computer to mail the Majordomo subscribe/ unsubscribe &
receive & respond to the authorising confirmation
that Majordomo requires. Later
if you want, change you password to something new.
- Don't whine, (as a few have), that you don't want to
give your password away, even though you'r also too lazy
to learn. Friends or colleagues are more likely to offer
to help those who are stuck, if they show proof of having
tried to think for them-self.
- Some people labour under a delusion born perhaps of a
mixture of incompetence, laziness & wishful thinking:
that it's a list or robot owner's unpaid obligation to
waste time to help them subscribing &
- Some groups have consumed far more time per head than
all other lists. Too much time for too long. Free
subscription help is no longer available. The robot is free, but for Human Consultancy
Time it's Cash (Or Beer) In Advance !
- People invest time & money to learn to drive a
car ... Yet when people buy a computer, they're often too
lazy & mean, to invest time or money to go to
computer night classes, training courses, read a mailer
manual, read a Majordomo help
page, or even think hard, trying to solve simple computer
usage puzzles - such as how to send Ascii mail.
- "Engage Brain & Think" is not optional. If a few
are both too wilfully ignorant & too lazy to learn to
subscribe or unsubscribe, that's their problem. Others
not too lazy, who just need help, should look at Your Solutions above, and at the Majordomo page.
- Start reading, experimenting,
thinking, learning !
