(Use any
Sometime Julian H.
Stacey is planning to export these in .epub format,
initial experiment toward that started in 2020, see berklix . com /
~jhs / tolino / #epub. The science paper will be done
last (or more likely never), because of the complexities of
format & layout.
Address, Removed.
AAL Paperbacks
Tel.: Number Removed
Time zone is 1
hour ahead of GMT / Greenwich / UTC.
"TIME GUN" by Geoff Harries.
ISBN: 3-933523
"A STRANGE FOOTPRINT" by Geoff Harries.
ISBN 3-933523-30-4
"NO ENEMY" by Geoff Harries.
ISBN 3-933523-30-5
"ALIEN" by Geoff Harries.
ISBN 3-933525-30-6
"SLAK" by Geoff Harries.
Short Stories by Geoff Harries.
Controversial new theory (science paper Not a
The Author
 Geoff Harries
was an aero-space engineer who after service in the RAF
lived many years in Canada, the USA, France and
then Germany. Living in Munich he
for a devoted circle of fans among the expatriate
scientists, engineers and students who
could identify with his competent cool hero.
The cover shows a detail from a painting by Fe'lix
Shop Purchase
In Munich "Time Gun" could be bought at Pending.:
- Wordsworth - Schelling str. 21a
- The Anglia Book shop - Schelling str. 3
- The City Hilton kiosk - Rosenheimer Platz
- The Hilton in the Englischer Garten
or by mail order directly from Harries Verlag.
Books after Time Gun were available direct from author, in
A4 format. Pending.
Time Gun
A4 Format ( "A Strange Footprint", "No Enemy", "Alien")
Enquire of Harries Verlag Pending . PS Also ask about
Publisher enquiries welcome. Pending.
Book author Geoff Harries died 24/25 Feb 2012.
Geoff was a friend of this web page author Julian H. Stacey who has contact with his
Maybe 2 years before, Geoff gave a box of his books to a
young Asian female, resident in Munich, name & contact
unknown, probably in ToyTown
, There may still be a cache of his books around somewhere
in Munich? If she contacts me I
could here publish (free) contact details for book purchase
from her.