Some Personal Projects I've Done
(except professional computer projects on my resume & Company web pages.)
Page written for these reasons:
- For entertainment [pictorial in some cases].
- To provide hints for others trying to fix same machines I
- For me to refer to if my machines need repairing a 2nd
- To list some DIY things a systems
engineer is not afraid to do in his spare time that a programmer
might less likely do (there being some programmers who claim
to be software
engineers, who aren't really engineers, just programmers;
IMO Real engineers aren't afraid to proficiently use
electronic, electrical, & mechanical tools etc, as well
as software tools). Scopes, soldering irons, DVMs, logic
analsers should all be light relief to programming &
design, rivet guns OK for a bit, concertina rivet guns a
luxury, but I admit eg I'm nervous with chain saws, band
saws, & not competent with my arc welder, & not
bought a 3D printer yet - so some games are left to learn !

- Some countries eg Britain endemicaly debase the word Engineer,
where they should use the word Technician
- `Hackers
Versus Crackers : There's A Difference ! Most of the
public are misled by ignorant media & politicians to not
know the difference between a program (code) Hacker
(good) & computer / system Cracker
- Stripped & rebuilt lawn mowers.
- Analysed & re-tuned a Fiat 500/ Lucas voltage
- Washed out & re-susitated a car battery (with
goggles, but not reccomended now, risk to eyes, +
pollution risk).
- Built own super hot flame gun (Heath Robinson style
;-) , to solder a big car Volvo 140 B20B radiator: (Very
hard to generate enough heat on to a solder joint of a
car radiator main bracket that is designed to dump heat.)
Flame gun built from back end of an electrolux cylinder
hoover pipe bleeding in camping gas through a lube can
nozzle clipped in centre of a copper water pipe, clamped
by jubilee clips & bits of wood to brace in middle of
air stream. Made a nice roaring flame, far more powerful
than just gas normaly emitted under own pressure.
- Stripped & rebuilt a washing machine,
- Fibreglass insulated a loft. - Pig of a job ! Normal
breathing mask insufficient. Sticks in hands (or write
with gloves). Best for in dead of winter else far too hot
& sweating.
- Written device drivers (M6800 parallel & serial
& Z80 SIO) tweaked others (inc Minix floppy).
- Built & programmed a stepper motor driven
- Designed own computer, chips upward, inc circuit
diagrams, timing, wire wrapping, hand assembling, logic
analyser debugging etc.
- Installed a plumbed large hot water cylinder &
thermostats for a house, ground & installed pipes
& taps.
- Removed a large Volvo B20B car engine (Not advised,
can be unstable when high, esp. if front of garage slopes
away sideways, could tilt & crush one), changed the
clutch, & big ends, & reground the cylinder head,
& re soldered the radiator (& made the enhanced
heat torch to do the job), brazed the tail gate (&
made a hash of learning to weld - still my weak point for
- Soldered all own constructions & repairs (except
just once, when an ace solderer friend did some really
fine work at high pitch density as he was more used to
- Built a pre-designed kit
computer PCB, Analysed & fixed the burnt out
middle layers of a friend's.
- Repaired a colour television at least twice
(dangerous that, don't do it !), & a VHS
- Written lots of source code programs
& enhancements etc,
- Built massive satellite unfixed
TV mount, & wrote code to determine position
(when no others were visible in Munich & it was hard
to align).
- Repaired big TV a couple of times. Yes, & been
damn scared, especially after a friend distracted me,
& there was damn great bang, & then I had
Twofaults to fix, not just One, but at least I was
still alive :-)
- Mastered bootable CDROMs including
complete operating system installation & rescue
- Computer monitor Trivial
removal & replacement of sheared screw needed unusual
improvised structural support to avoid anything else
breaking during repair.
- HP
ScanJet conversion from NT to FreeBSD (conversions
- Dishwasher repair (with a
power saw on chassis).
- Washing Machine
- Chair upholstered (during
creation of this page).
- Fireworks & Bonfire construction periodically for
- UPS battery renewal (frequent)
- Laptop etc repair several
- etc
Tips from advent of the web:
- Often manuals are on line now, Search, Particular
use eg "PDF" + manufacture + Model Number (beware
some entrapment sites). If you have a rare manual not
on line, consider making it public, especialy if the
manufacture stops supporting it, eg through
bancruptcy or obsolescence etc).
- Hardest part in repairing many things is gettting
the cover off without breaking it, or bits flying
loose ... now has
lots of "How to take it apart & fix it" videos
