Chilli Group, Munich (Indian Curry, Thai, Mexican &
Vietnamese etc)
Missing the chat you'd get with friends in the beer garden
or over curry ?
During Corona Join Virtual Curry Nights - Same
19:30 Wednesday start, same open end, Pour your own beer, order
an Indian from a take away (or cook your own if adventurous) Or
ask friends for lists of take away web sites (Paul maintains a
big list of Indians, TT has an older one, probably many Indians
etc now do take away), No waiting for waiter for another beer
when the curry is burning hot, & never a short measure
Prepare for it now.
Mid weeks, usually Tuesday or Thursday, Eraticaly some
weeks, as the chilli craving take us. Mail the chilli organisers to trigger their craving ;-)
Please do Not mail the author questions, Read the page
below to find your answers, that's why the author took time
to write this page. Author has no time for repetitive email
questions, when he should be doing paid computer work, at his
screen, sorry ! - Please ask organisers or
others At a Chilli event, when we're happy to chat,
de-focused from screens!
- The introductory mail gives more info about the group
& list
: You want to socialise with people you'll get on with ? Us
too ! Various types don't suit you ? Us too ! So both you And
the group retain rights to decline, review, withdraw
- SUMMARY: English speaking
(relaxed & fluent) multi-
national, lively, intelligent, non smokers,
no drunks, etc.
- The mail line footer defines us, with occasional
variation on what can be crammed on one line, eg: Fluent
English speaking international bright lively non
- There's Lots of other
English clubs people can join.
- Some of us are English .
- All of us can speak English
- Some can speak German.
- Some are German,
- Some are or have been eg: American, Austrian,
Canadian, Chinese, English,
French, German, Iraqi, Irish, Pakistani, Scots,
Singapore, Spanish, Swedish, Syrian, Welsh, etc.
- We are not a linguists group, but random
- Speak English with us. You don't need to be a native
English speaker though; natives of Arabic, Chinese,
French, German, Japanese, Spanish, etc languages all
- Germans who join us come to speak English, not
If you want to speak German, we are Not the right group
for you:
- Native English speakers who want to inflict their
German on us are Not Welcome !
- Native German speakers who can speak English, but
don't, should join other groups.
- Talking in German for long, would dilute the
group, (as GEA was long ago
Germanised, then failed).
- To speak German, don't join us, join innumerable
other clubs run in Munich Germany, where about
80% of toward 2 million people are native German
- Disagree ?
Fluent English Speaking
- Flakey English grammar is not so bad: Better you
get the grammar wrong, than bore us waiting,
searching for the right phrase.
- We do not correct people. That would break up
conversation. We're Not an unpaid language school.
There's plenty of English teachers in Munich you can
- We do not make speeches. ! We're not Munich
toast masters.
- Do not bring friends who can only speak German,
that's not fair to us (or them) !
Can you switch to German if stuck ?
Yes, if really stuck, for a bit, & others
listening happen to want to understand German,
(not all can or want to). German is Not the
preferred language, any more than Russian or
Turkish or Chinese, so revert to English as soon
as possible.
- If you are German, & you'r English is "Iffy"
do not make the mistake of bringing more German
friends with marginal English to keep you company,
find a German speaking group.
- People are removed when they can't / don't /
won't speak English. Not just Germans, even native
English speakers are Not
Welcome to practice German on us, & are removed
if doing so.
- Thoughts
on [German] grammar
- Disagree ?
- PS If the waiters hear German spoken, they may serve a
milder Chilli, No Thanks ;-)
NON SMOKERS. Exclusively ! Do NOT bring smoker friends
- Do NOT Bring Smokers ! Not even if the chilli is
outside on a fine summer's day ! Some of us eg are allergic
&/or hate smoke. Most of us
do not want to be near, even outside.
- Do Not Smoke just before arrival, Do not nip out for
smokes & return, breath stinking of smoke.
(It's impossible to avoid the death breath of a
smoker sitting next to you). Smokers should buy nicotine
chewing gum for the evening, or Not Come, or leave us to
go home before they go well away down wind to smoke on
the way home.
- Disagree ?
- We are mostly professionals, mostly intelligent
(debate any implied associativity, or assert any lack of
logical connectivity over a chilli ;-)
- We're not ``politically correct', Mental strait
jackets imposed by others not accepted.
We speak real English not crippled by American (or,
increasingly also by British too) politicians' political
correctness, We call a spade a spade, (Which we
mean as an English noun, related to a shovel, not an
American noun as racial slang) We talk about the
sex (not gender) of a thing (if anyone gives a flying
monkey's ;-) & if anyone asks for a Rest Room or
Bathroom, they'll likely be teased that if they needed to
rest or bathe, that was best done at home first ;-)
Restaurants have toilets, but not baths & beds
- People do not bring kids & babies making a racket
& interrupting & & distracting sensible
conversation to the mundane.
- Disagree ?
- Do Not get drunk, `Head bangers' booze groups exist
elsewhere ;-)
- Seriously abusive behaviour not tolerated, drunk or
- We do Not encourage (or discourage ;-) alcohol
consumption, most drink beer, author sometimes drinks
Alkohol- frei beer , a few drink wine, a few might drink
Rabarba- schoerle (Rhubarb with fizz) etc. If you don't
want alcohol that's fine.
- We're not averse to a lively debate/ argument but
only if people remain intelligent & Listen too, &
no one monopolises conversation.
- Motor mouths not needed. Alcohol lubricated non stop
talkers Not wanted.
- There's pretty much nothing we consider off limits to
discuss. If you're easily offended, you might have a
problem, though we likely may not ;-)
- Disagree ?
- Come with an open lively mind,
- Don't be stuffy, If you want "Sie" rather than "Du"
(Not that we'll be speaking German anyway), Join some other
group, not us !
Try To Move Seats At Least After Eating Make
_your_ contribution to enlivening topics & debate !
Sitting at the same seat all evening can be stultifying
both for you And your neighbours - move around !
- You may not be bored yet.
- Others might not be bored with you yet.
- But others may. Or maybe they want to talk to
someone else too, & you more later.
- Those stuck against a wall can't circulate.
- Maybe someone next to a free seat is bored &
would welcome you moving there ?
- Make your contribution: don't just sit there,
Move On !
- Get up & you should Expect your seat to be
`stolen' by someone else, they are Supposed To! It
makes for variety for all.
- "That's my seat!" Is Not acceptable! Just rescue
your beer and mat & move
to a new seat.
- If you don't like it, Don't come.
- Disagree ?
- Are you too lazy to get your own email ?
- Sorry ! You'r not mentally lively &/or adept
enough for the group.
- Join some other group, not us.
- We have no time to SMS people
- We do Not update a web page each week. (This
author often did many years back, but it was more work,
+ Our email list relays to whole group in just
minutes, & not to whole public on web sites, some of
who do not fit group).
- We do Not want you phoning us each week, interrupting
us, just for the venue announcement. Get yourself a free
email address *you don't even need a computer for that,
you can access it via an Internet cafe)
- join list
- Disagree ?
- If you wish to suggest & discuss venues, &
help choose, announce & host venues, Please do, You
are very welcome. Please volunteer yourself to Chilli Organisers.
- If you wish to vigorously argue & assert your
opinion: You could leave us instead. & We can have
you removed too. We're volunteer organisers, not paid to
tolerate trouble.
If You Argue With Chilli
Organisers, about Chilli Organisation, &
vigorously Assert your non organiser's opinion eg:
- We should accept everyone without
- We should organise things Your
- Your opinion on organising carries as much
weight as organisers
You will be removed as a liability.
- Our regularly working organisers are our chief asset, far more
valuable than non organisers.
- Do Not annoy, waste time of, or risk demotivating
organisers from organising.
- The organisers have
invested much time organising, organisers time is much more valuable than
that of non organisers, & organisers opinions far outweigh the
opinions of non organisers, when it comes to
It's not unfair or biased, but is fact, it's
- A reward to the few organisers who Work for our common
- An incentive to non organisers to please sometimes
volunteer to help organise next venue.
- You are welcome to Earn the right to assert
opinions on organising by first working as an organiser.
- (Some saw an old club (GEA) die away with it's
open door policy, degenerating to tolerating more
misfits, a few malign, & sundry over opinionated non
organisers, who didn't realise their opinions were worth
very little if they didn't help do some work organising.
An object lesson in mistakes to avoid. )
- Mark Your Beer Mats Avoid
mistakes, remind your neighbours too, especially if
waiter does not do it for you. In every big group, some
people sometimes forget to pay enough, occasionally some
rogues may deliberately not pay enough, occasionally some
waiters cheat too, (one waiter tried to bill us for a spare
cheeseburger in beer gardeners group),
One Indian restaurant has regularly over billed. Most
customers & waiters are honest. Cheats exist too.
Mistakes happen too, Alcohol doesn't aid memory &
counting. A burner chilli doesnt help memory either ;-) Mark
the mat.
- Join the mail list where we
announce this week's venue.
- Listen ... we speak English.
- Ask the waiter for reservation name Berklix.
- If you don't know what organisers
look like, check organisers web sites,
& or use a mobile phone.
- All sorts of chilli venues are welcome, not just Indian,
but Thai, Szechwan/Sichuan
or wherever.
- Some places have open air dining too, for a list (You need the name & password from
Beer Gardens list for this page.
Some possible venues
Bollywood |
Indian (does beef) |
Donnersberger str 44, 80634
München |
2016-04-13 Wed. | |
Indonesian |
Theresienstraße 87, 80333
München |
Not Yet | |
Lebanese |
Near Muenchner Freiheit |
Not Yet | |
Malaysian |
Champor, Warthestr. 5 |
Not Yet | |
Mexican |
One of the oldest in Munich |
Yet | |
Mexican |
On the corner of Schleissheimer
Str and Gabelsberger Str |
Not Yet | |
Thai |
Kirchen Str 96, SW corner of
junction with Orleans Str, Haidenauplatz.
On the 54 and 100 bus, and 19 tram lines. A 10 minute
walk from Ostbahnhof or less from Einsteinstr |
2015_04_21 Tuesday | |
Thai |
Hesseloher Strasse 7, 80802 München
Not Yet | |
Thai |
Thorwaldsenstr. 19 80335
Not Yet | |
Vietnamese |
In Mai Str |
Not Yet | |
Vietnamese |
Mai, Klenzestr. 8 |
Not Yet | |
Vietnamese |
Behind the Paulaner
Braeuhaus? |
Not Yet |
- Mostly Tuesdays or Thursday,
frequency per month not yet regular. Usually 20:00 Some might
arrive earlier to help reserve space. Don't necessarily
expect regular organisers to always be first, they are busy
people, & other regular event attenders know the drill
too: find table & tell waiter it will be Stammtisch style
seperate billing.
Our initial aim is for mid-weeks, probably not every week,
- Probably on Tuesday or Thursday to avoid clashing
with Wednesday ex
toytowngermany_dot_com (though ex
toytowngermany_dot_com Curry was very popular in
2014, it appeared to be dieing in spring 2015). Curry
group recovered since (though swedish owned web site
littered in annoying flashing adverts, & slow from
too much tracking, cookies), check latest here: ex
toytowngermany_dot_com "forum / topic / 953 - munich
- curry - night /"
- Not Saturdays to avoid clash with Beer Gardeners who also do Indian
occasionally, eg on 2015-04-11.
Mobile Phones
(`Cell Phone' to use the original American name,
spuriously renamed as `Mobile Phone' in Britain, &
mistakenly called a `Handy' by Germans using wrongly
adopted English ).
Yes we have mobiles. No we don't want numbers listed
here, ask us personally if you feel the need.
SMS (Short Message Service)
If you want to know where we are: phone us, don't SMS us,
some (inc. this Author) do not respond to SMS.
- Best discuss & decide next venue at the table of
current venue, then an Organiser will
book the venue, announce the venue to the mail list, await
individual seat bookings, & confirm or adjust seat
count with restaurant.
- Venues are decided where possible at previous chilli
event by all who intend to come to next chilli event,
failing that by the Chilli
- You can also discuss chilli venues on list
chilli-chat@, & encourage others to come etc, but Note
you Must send your personal seat reservation to "Chilli Organisers" <chilli-org@...>
However note
- We try to spread the selection geographically. More
weight attaches, if the venue nominated is from a regular,
&/or not particularly near the home/work of the
nominator, it being easy, but not so helpful if people just
nominate their local chilli venue.
- If you have a suggestion for a future venue, best
suggest it on a Chilli event to one of the organisers
- Always Reserve Seats With Organisers
- Weeks you'r probable coming but not certain, don't remain
silent, give organisers clues we can add
up: 3 people @ 33% = 2 @ 50% = 1 more seat.
- No problem with people who normally book, & just
occasionally don't.
Those who Never book, who just turn up, may be removed from
mail list:
- They disrupt, needing to extend or shrink guessed
table sizes.
- They squash others, & will be moved away when
booked people arrive.
All Link to S-Bahn, U-Bahn, Tram, Bus, arrive here, A further
click takes you to MVV
Bikes - German national Fines
& other Munich hazards.
( We don't drink & drive cars, not all have bikes, so we
choose chilli venues near public transport. They sometimes
have convenient cycle routes nearby. )
Where to next ?
Please tell a Chilli Organiser where
you fancy next.
- Who else would make a good [if perhaps just occasional]
Chilli Organiser, tell an existing Organiser, we welcome help & variety, & we
realise tastes vary.
- How Hot Is Hot ? en . wikipedia
. org / wiki / Scoville_scale
- Tip: A lime in the pocket in a restaurant is a compact
emergency kit ;-) Acidic lime juice seems to actively counter
alkali curry, Stuff like Yoghurt & Lassi takes time to
order, & just seems to mild it down somewhat. Chemists or
specialist who know more please feel free to educate/elucidate.
A raw chilli in the pocket is of course the other half of a
balanced Chilli emergency kit, for if the food is too mild,
not too hot 
How Do You Spell Chilli ? Why ? : Chilli or Chili or Chile
pepper ?
Reading en . wikipedia
. org / wiki / Chili_pepper caused brief worry it might
have been mis-spelled here, & not "chilli",
(so should waste time changing name of mailing list
in all config files, + names of files, + target of symbolic
links, + archive directories + mail aliases all from
"Chilli" to "Chili"),
But No, just American mis-spelling again
Contents of link above includes:
"In American English the name is usually spelled
"chili". In British English the spelling "chilli"
(with two "l"s) is used consistently. ... "Gebhardt
imported some ancho peppers from Mexico and ran the
peppers through a small meat grinder three times and
created the first commercial chili powder, which
became available in 1894."
- "British English" is itself an Americanism
best avoided, often heralding ignorant false
- Americans too often assume as there's 5 times as many
as of them as British, that they outnumber & can
redefine English & also ignore lots of
other countries around the planet that speak English,
(plus by now quite a lot of bi-lingual 3rd country
citizens fluent in English of various varieties).
American is Not English, American is just one
common variant of English.
- That Wikipedia
page uses wrong American "Chili"
- Britain was in India for centuries (
(1612-1947) & shipping products probably inc.
chilli long before America evolved to an independent
importer of chilli, some years or centuries after 1620
Mayflower, presumably some time after
1776 USA Independence.
- Perhaps Americans forgot some spellings, the same way
a butter maid on the Mayflower (used to 16 solid ounces
per pound) may have confused a milk maid to only use 16
fluid ounces per pint (as now in USA ) instead of 20
fluid ounces (as in UK). (Beware if purchasing gallons of
fuel - even CBM calculators going from litres uses USA
gallons, not Imperial (British etc) gallons).
- Or perhaps spelling simply wasn't standardised till
later. eg by Dr
Johnson in 1755.
(Perhaps best ignore
Webster's deviancy from 1789: " Great Britain, whose
children we are, and whose language we speak, should no
longer be our standard; for the taste of her writers is
already corrupted, and her language on the decline.
- Best reject American "Chili" spelling & use the
English "Chilli" spelling (unless possibly the British
changed & the Americans retained an earlier original
- Peoples who might have a better insight on Chilli
might be the Dutch, importing from the Spice Islands /
Dutch East Indies before Britain competed ?
- Or the inhabitants of areas of India etc where
Chillies were grown, if also perhaps exported 400 years
back, if they come across centuries old documents
spelling Chilli ?
- en .
wikipedia . org / wiki / Hot_pot
No Web Chat Forum For Anonymous
Yes, it's trendy, No Berklix does not support it,
this is why:
- A BBC podcast reported: Even New Scientist had to
give up on forums, as what started as scientific
discussion, after half a dozen posts, too often descended
to personal dispute, & with a staff of 6, they
couldn't afford the time=expense of paid moderators
- Some readers on other forum[s] may have noticed the
egotism of those keen to be volunteer censors, who polish
their ego while objecting to being labelled a "Censor"
who try to self style themselves as "Moderators".
An example of a web forum & its problems:
toytowngermany_dot_com archives contains some
abuse, which ex
toytowngermany_dot_com censors as excuse to justify
their ex
toytowngermany_dot_com censorship.
One heavy ex
toytowngermany_dot_com curry ex
toytowngermany_dot_com censor censored Curry too
much, & killed that group, The co-censors were too
lazy & self satisfied to check her false assertions
& moderate her.
Someone fresh revived that dead curry group. Links
Here [Until ex
toytowngermany_dot_com Censors get caught again] :
- ex
toytowngermany_dot_com" / forum / topic / 953 -
munich - curry - night -% C2 % B7 - wed - 24jun2015 -
ganesha /? page=5
It's a clunky link, & will fail as soon as venue
name is updated to match the week's reality,
- ex
toytowngermany_dot_com /wiki/Curry_Night A page
with dead links.
- ex
toytowngermany_dot_com admins removed the Curry
booking list, presumably for uniformity, to force
curry group to be like any other event page, but
cynics believe to minimise paid work to maximise
- The software that supports the ex
toytowngermany_dot_com forums is bug prone, (inc.
security bugs apparently, not surprising, knowing the
sort of software tools usually used to throw interactive
web sites together) ), needs more human maintenance, but
time costs money, & the ex
toytowngermany_dot_com site was sold to a commercial
company that advertises,
including personally targeted adverts, which needs
extra complexity requiring maintenance labour, &
slowing server response
- Questions/ Comments/ Changes ? : Tell the Organisers, after first joining chilli@
Other Groups