Inverted Union Jacks 
All UK Union Jack Flags were vertically inverted (=
upside-down) on Brexit Day 2020-01-31,
& remain so on all Berklix domains.
Flag inversion is a centuries old recognised distress
signal, eg:
- British flag, seen in a Khyber Pass
fort centuries ago.
(A British relief column marching to relieve a
besieged fort flying an upside down Union Jack, recognised
natives had already captured the fort & were attempting
to lure them in to slaughter. The officers warned the men to
pretend they were expecting friendly welcome, but to actually
fight to kill.)
In Hawaii now
Flags Inverted as distress signal after the thieving lieing British government
stole votes from millions of British abroad, denying a vote to
3/4 million British resident in the EU, pushing them
unwillingly to adopt foreign nationality for protection /
asylum Against British government abuse.
Flag flown inverted (with
an EU flag too) at Pulse of Europe, Munich, 2020-02-02
Seems likely there won't even be a _United_ Kingdom of Great
Britain & Northern Ireland to need a flag in a while, just
a little England & maybe Wales, as Johnson & Brexiteer cronies cause so much revulsion, first Scotland
will leave, then Northern Ireland. Looking at the chaos of
Brexit after 40 years of EU Union , How much chaos to expect
after the UK union of 40O years ?