We plan to do intermittent technical talks at our BIM stammtisch, & other Stammtisches.
by Emil Stoyanov emosto @
This talk may be made available to SAGE (a Tech Talk member).
Next: A Proposal
A mail to BIM@
To avoid needing a projector (beamer) & screen or blank
wall last time, we used a manualy synced 2nd laptop half
way down the long table, with a spare copy of PDF on a USB
stick. It worked but [my] manual sync was flakey. Here's a
pointer to a thread discussing better technology.
Start of subject:
Suggestion: Let's prepare to do a recursive lecture this
Autumn: During summer, try out ideas out as per mail
thread; In Autumn, in some cool shadey room with power
socket for laptops, do a presentation on presentation
software with distributed synchronised laptops, perhaps
also assuming worst case, where presenter might not be
bringing eg a specific .mgp format, but some other
unexpected format needing import before broadcasting ?
Other URLs
Following mail to be reduced to a URL when it arrives in
archive: JJLATER
On Wed, Jul 14, 2010 at 01:24:09AM +0200, Julian H. Stacey wrote:
> Whoops I forgot cc hackers so resent.
> > > Haven't used it in years, but I liked it when I used ports/misc/magicpoint
> >
> > been there, done that:
> >
> >
> >
> > cheers
> > luigi
> Hey That's nice Luigi ! Multicast mgpm ...
> Hmm so eg BSD tech groups could do presentations eith a bunch of laptops
> in a room, rather than needing an overhead projector Eh ? Nice !
> That I must read more on.
for what matters i had implemented the same thing using
a browser-based solution -- the speaker sends its actions
through ajax to a simple web server, which logs them.
Other listeners also connect to the server which relays events
to them as they come. I intend to implement the same thing
in this 'sttp' version.
Other Talks Welcome
- BIM welcomes talks short &
- You don't need to be a professional or a marketing type,
in fact we'd much prefer you were Not a marketing type.
- We're after technology, not a sales pitch

- As short as 5 mins will do, we could tack together
several short presentations by different people on tools they
may be used to, but others may not.
- Either suggest your idea to the BIM mail list, or if you
want to float it privately first, tell Julian (or anyone
else you know at BIM)
- Some are too shy & modest, they do things they assume
we all know, or would be bored with, when we'd perhaps
welcome a short talk / demo, do encourage you modest/ shy etc
fellow BIM members to offer something.
- Sometimes some of us attend other group's talks (eg
several BIM @ Faraday's optic fibre talk end of
More recently we now have TechTalk to
reciprocaly alert BIM & other groups to talks.
The Team Of Co-Presenters has its own mail list
Join or Leave bim-talks@
Mail List To enable internal non public discussion by
co-lecturers to a BIM talk/ presentation/ vortrag, to
co-ordinate who presents what topic, & to assemble
material for slides/ projector / beamer etc.
Example Suggestions
Tell Us Your Requests: Raise the topic at our Stammtisch or on our general BIM Mail List or tell author to add to
this page
- Drivers.
- Kernel mechanisms.
- Packet qualifiers to make tighter ipfw
- Tex for dummies : WHich of the myriad Tex
ports/ to install ?
English / Deutsch:
Presentations, Questions, & Answers may be in
either English or German or switching between both, most if
not all of us speak or read both, & technology is what
interests us, not lingusitics.
Lecture Delivery Service
In English or German. If you want to know about BSD Unix
& Free
Software at you event, we can come & tell
- At your evening Stammtisch, offer of a Pizza
&/or Beer might encourage our speaker[s] (if he/ she's
not a member of your Stammtisch already too)

- Professional associates of BSDPIE can also offer similar
service in your offices, or at your conference, but
speakers during working hours for companies require
financial incentive not just pizza or beer