Event Not Scheduled.
We got so far, but couldn't find a cheap venue, then got
distracted. I
since found a free venue, but we've not had time since to
further a conference. Page kept as a store of ideas &
references, perhaps for
No date yet. Depends on:
- Finding answers to remaining logistical issues
documented on
- Getting enough organisers. If willing to help please
Join conf-org@
Mail List or Other
Date will be decided solely by organisers willing to work
free to provide the cheap Munich conference. Date will Not be
subservient to fitting within the frame of " location of next
European BSD conference is decided on by the current
expensive Euro BSD conference", which later scheme satisfies
- Only those who can afford expensive conference fees,
&/or are subsidised by employers to go on a company
`jolly' as a perq. etc, as choosers & bidders are
attending current expensive BSD conference.
- They don't represent a class of people keen on BSD tech
who want Cheap, not bloated costs.
- If we were to conform, & take a time slot
conformant with existing expensive conferences, a lot of
people who currently go to high cost conferences will be
annoyed, & annoy us, when they find themselves deprived
of partner program, T shirt, terminal room, quality hotel
conference room, official hotel etc, at a really cheap
price they don't much care about, 'cos employers often
- This conference aims to be Very Much Cheaper
than previous BSD conferences
in California, Brighton & Amsterdam !
- If that doesn't motivate
you enough, then there are also some very good reasons
why cheaper conference will
benefit BSD more
- To enable us to avoid bloated conference fees, we
need your help to organise things other conferences use
hotels or professional organisers to provide.
- English / German ? For many jobs below, writing
good English or German is Not necessary, as long as you
can read one or other that's sufficient, you can also
write back to local organisers in either English or
German, whichever you prefer, (though not to remote organisers elsewhere in Europe)
Don't let less than perfect English prevent you helping
! Some work below would even be better done in German
than English, so please do not leave it to others with
better English
Please Volunteer,
we need your time & effort - we're here for BSD, not
to be deterred by the idiosyncrasies & warted
`design' of human languages.
- organisers have a variety
of mail lists documented on this page, but BIM locals can also
discuss conference planning with the rest of the
membership, on their BIM Mail
Return to Index at Top Of Page.
- So more BSD people can
afford to go !
- So more developers, who may be in under funded
universities can afford to go.
- So people in companies with less cash can afford to
go: Companies under financial pressure are perhaps more
likely to want to adopt free software, than companies
flush with money, who can afford to waste money paying
for Micro$oft &/or expensive hotel rooms).
- So it'll cost virtually nothing for Students, if
they are local & help.
- So unemployed permanent employees &
under-employed freelancers between jobs etc can easily
afford to attend (those with time on their hands may
have more time to contribute to BSD .
In early 1980s:
- Unix was commercial, but
- Unix conferences were at Universities, cheap to
attend, & if an employer wouldn't pay, you
could book a few day's holiday, & pay your own
way. Local students & ex students of whichever
University campus - Not Hotel - where the
conferences were held, could also often smuggle in
free for a few lectures, boosting interest

- The software's free, but
- The conference fees are prohibitively expensive
: Facilities are provided by expensive hotels specialising in providing
luxury facilities at high prices. Indicators of
Bloat can also include `Partner Programmes' ( It
didn't need money to a partner programme, when a
group of us plus assorted girlfriends organised our
own picnic in a park at the European Unix User
Group in Paris in '82; & it cost nothing when
German Unix User Group conference attendees were
invited to join the Munich BSD group's
monthly drinks session ).
- Bloated company paid conference fees is not the
way it has to be.
A cheaper more inclusive solution for some
conferences is:
- Back to the Universities ! Dump the hotels !
- Use University campuses, lecture theatres &
student halls of residence & student campus
bars during student holidays.
- Get a free or near free lecture room from a
University during a vacation, reward their
generosity with equally free or near free lecture
hall entry to students & local ex students
& organisers of the
host college, & give the student halls of
residence the profit of our overnight
accommodation, food, & coffee/ beer bar
- If local organisers
are needed, let students do it, they'll be more
grateful for any money, be cheaper & likely
more intelligent & or more committed to the
technical agenda of the conference, than random
hotel conference employees.
- Keep it _Cheap_ so that people who aren't sure
yet if they're interested in BSD, can
still drop by for a few lectures.
- Keep it _Cheap_ so people not flush with cash
can afford to attend.
- Keep it _Cheap_ to not be too far out of kilter
with _Free_ software.
- Further suggestions at
Heavy fees tilt the balance & possibly
contributory worth of who can attend:
- Students:
Will only attend if cheap, may then discover BSD,
write code for BSD,
&/or take a BSD Cdrom
to install in new companies during holidays, part
time jobs, etc, seeding the BSD
- Unemployed & under-employed
(yes there are some, see
list if in doubt ) They will have some time on
their hands, but not much money to pay bloated
conference fees on top of travel/accom. costs)
- Employees of firms on hard times:
Probably also find it hard to justify heavy
conference fees, yet their employers would be more
receptive to free BSD
- Employees of firms doing well:
Probably find it easiest to get conference fee
travel & accommodation paid, yet harder to get
employers to use BSD (after
all, one attraction of Free Software is that you
avoid wasting money buying Microsoft).
"We get people anyway, there's no problem" is
complacently wrong: BSD remains
fringe, & high conference fees can only deter those
with an initially casual / light interest. (the fees
certainly deter me, a dedicated Unix person with
decades of experience )
Return to Index at Top Of Page.
- Avoiding the cheap requirement would allow us the
luxury of lots of professional organisation, but at a price
of perhaps 250 * 200 Euros, ... we thought we'd save the
BSD users that cash, ... & ask them to do a little work
helping out instead, & also adopting a few changes of
- Use cheap hotels, without
conference facilities.
- Use University Lecture Theatres during the student
holidays/ vacations.
- Use designated beer halls, bars, restaurants, cafes to
meet in. We don't need expensive official conference hotels to `give' us a place to meet,
we're not all strangers in this town ! we have a lot of
local BSD
people who know many very good places to meet !
- Avoid countries such as UK with expensive hotels (continental cheap hotels can be a lot cheaper than UK (I'm
British resident in Germany, that's certainly how it used
to be!)
- Avoid bloated conference planning with spurious things
like `Partner Programme' - if you want to bring your
bed/room mate - don't expect us to provide any `partner
programme'. `Partner Programmes' are arranged by
professional conference organisers - people we haven't got &
won't pay for. We're not a holiday company, providing a
bloated jolly at an expensive hotel, as a corporate
incentive award for being a good employee. We're just BSD
enthusiasts here to talk BSD ! Bring a
partner if you must but that's your affair, & not to
our benefit or interest.
- No Pre Paid Conference Dinner ! They're always very
expensive, & you could get cheaper yourself right ?
(You know that if you see the extra broken out price for a
partner's extra meal at other conferences). Don't Panic
Yes we'll still meet
to eat & have fun & talk BSD ! But you will
pay your waiter direct for what you _choose_ to eat &
drink, we will merely reserve the seats. We will not waste
our valuable time collecting your money hidden in a
conference fee, & giving it back to you as a meal. You
will be free to order what you want, no set menu, & you
can interrogate your own waiter whether it's got allergic
nut products, vegetarian, vegan, kosher or whatever. That
will be _your_ business, we are not going to pay an
expensive hotel restaurant high prices to spend time on non
catering issues. An attendee mail list will be available
for you to individually post on, & arrange a sub-set
alternate venues for if you want to form " BSD + must eat
kangaroo" or " BSD + no lactose",
or " BSD
nut allergic & want to drink Guinness" or whatever sub
groups. Catering is not our business. Venues you will get
from will be Cheapish Large locations: Beer halls (where
you can also eat), Pizzerias, Cafes etc.
- Avoid expensive onward rail costs: Use Munich - A city
by a major airport, with rail fare of just 8 Euros (single)
from airport to conference (compare that with
Stansted-London-Brighton, where just Stansted to London
costs 10 pound (15 euro) (return) + then need to pay for
London Transport (2 singles on circle line) & return
ticket London to Brighton (cost unknown).
- Don't need an ethernet cabled terminal room ! It
costs lots more money in rental & organiser effort
to provide a terminal room. No reason for all to
subsidise the subset who won't manage temporarily
without net access.
- Those who _need_ access for business, can bring
their own company laptops equipped with
- you'r saving money on a Low conference fee, so buy
WLAN card. Or visit & pay your own internet
cafe fees,
- We may provide a
WLAN base station near a wide hallway, if it has
convenient height on window bay shelves for laptops Or
WLAN base station in the lecture theatre,
conditional on it being known it will be firmly turned
Off without delay at official lecture start times, as
timed & visible & predictable in advance to all
with a DCF-77 wrist watch, which are very cheap, so no
excuse to whine when promptly Off !
- We can provide multiple power sockets at a front
corner of lecture room, for laptops to charge securely
in view of owners also watching the lectures. No room
rental needed, & safer.
We have to charge something for hall. But not a lot,
compared to normal conference fees, so as the travel
costs will then be a lot higher percentage than normal
conference fee, there may be increased worry compared
with normal conferences, of people's commitment to travel
& turn up. We could charge more, & then give a
cash partial rebate to those who do turn up with their
named receipt & ID in hand. Gets complex though,
& as long as we take the conference fee before, good
enough, so long as we're not financially liable for some
Umsatz/Turnover guarantee on a hall.
Think about: Tax registration who issues receipts in
what name ? MWST/VAT/TVA etc. Risk insurance (building
collapse, fire, other risk ?. If there's a profit or loss
who does it go to ? (Any suggested "If there's a profit
it goes to A, if there's a loss it goes to B" may likely
be unacceptable).
Return to Index at Top Of
Return to Index at Top Of Page.
- Then you've had opportunity to spend lots of money at
all BSD
conference so far, so either wait for USA or Paris,
meanwhile some of the many who couldn't afford those can
try a cheap BSD conference in
Munich !
- Some might prefer a bundled price, an impressive venue
& conference proceeding, & a CDROM & an
official conference ticket etc, to prove they're going on
business, & not a holiday. Well sorry, we're not going
to raise prices for everyone just to give you that. Tell
your boss to look at the web, check the conference schedule
of talks, & note this is a hard core technology
conference, & you hope to be working your brain very
hard learning, _and_ not spending much on expenses. We also
offer No partner programme to discredit that aim of
working hard, so leave your spouse/ partner back home
- Some may say: "Cheap venues won't impress businessmen"
- (A laudable target ! they're this writer's consultancy
But we should burden all our BSD conferences
with expensive fees on that argument. At least do what German Unix User Group does:
alternate [slightly cheaper?] (spring technical) & more
expensive (Autumn full blown) conferences.
- For a normal expensive conference, yes, but perhaps not
for Cheap: A company might subsidise a hall hire & an
access point/LAN. But it costs effort to recruit &
satisfy sponsors, who have hall & advertising quality
etc expectations, that can push up the price, needing yet
more sponsorship, ending with yet another standard
expensive conference. I won't work free to organise an
expensive conference. I will work free to organise a Cheap
- A university `sponsor' is of very dubious benefit. They
charge a Lot of money for hall hire (see Ref. to Perl conf.
hall charge in (& in
personal mail organiser was bitter how much Uni had reamed
him, despite earlier assurance). Universities have become
very greedy (compared to the old days, when I went to Paris
in ~ '82 for a cheap Uni. based Unix conf, paid for by Me,
not my employer.
Return to Index at Top Of Page.
Text to be chopped & merged later.
In Approximate chronological requirement order, most urgent
We have many mail aliases, each responsible for
different things. Some are for individuals, some for teams.
We work on the basis "Many hands make light work", so no
one gets overloaded, so we want a lots of volunteers please, each to
contribute a little work.
Problem: a lot of the mailto: volunteer* aliases go to
conf-org@ & only some also expand to already recruited
volunteers, however list conf-org@
currently silently discards all mail Not sent from existing
members of conf-org@
This will remain so until we recruit more help to deal with
incoming mail.
Return to Index at Top Of
Return to Index at Top Of
*** Dates Of Other Conferences To
Avoid Clashing With
Volunteer Needed
Another easy job, web browsing &mailing, no
Munich knowledge required: Investigate &
Recommend to us when the event should not be, &
ideally when it should. It will be during student
holidays (to get cheap lecture room), but which
other conference dates do we need to avoid ?
Maintain a list of potential collision dates &
here's a start:
- 2003 03 01-02 5. Chemnitzer Linuxtag
- 2003 03 12-19 CeBit Hannover
Coordinate with
- Jochen
Topf who is responsible for organising the
conferences of the German Unix User Group,
(to avoid date clashes, & for other help/
advice too).
- Walter
Belgers reports: Ollivier Robert will do a
European BSD
Conference 2004 in Paris, details via discuss@
Conference should not be a midweek time slot IE
Tuesday-Thursday, but should instead, be at
beginning or end of a week, this will allow people
to stay over Saturday, to achieve much cheaper
flight (&/or train travel ?), the travel
savings should well outweigh any extra Saturday
night hotel people might optionally wish to
Return to Index at Top Of
- 2 or 3 People to contact government organisations
to see if there's any sponsorship available, either
cash sponsorship for event expenses, or more likely
promotional web & PR contacts & listings. (Julian) has
done similar before for Systems, but 1 / 2 Volunteers Wanted, perhaps
1 German & 1 Some-Other European might be a good
mix to approach German & European bodies to ask
for a little support ? The EU's supposed to be dead
keen to promote Non MS Solutions so let's ask them to
put a little money where their mouth is ! Even
departments with no money can at least point from
their web to our conference, & themselves become
aware of BSD.
- Investigate Funding
- Edelgard Bulmahn, Bundeministerin fuer
Bildung und Forschung (@ 2002.12 featured on
page 3 of DLGI
magazin, where it also says on page 4 of Erst
ausgabe IV/2002: Im Juni dieses Jahres
rueckte der Entschied des Innesminesteriums,
Behoerden-Computer auf das Betriebssytem
Linux umzuruesten.
- Bayerische
Staatsministerium fuer Wissenschaft,
Forschung und Kunst Andreas has looked at
it, thinks it's a long shot. Question: might
it inspire somebody to think of an associated
government body that could help ?
-, Am Messe See 2,
D-81829 Muenchen +49.89. 94926.0 Andreas has
looked at it, thinks it's a long shot.
Question: might it inspire somebody to think
of an associated government body that could
help ?
- Innovation Relay Centre Bavaria = Bayern
Innovativ Gesellschaft fuer Innovation und
Wissens- transfer mbH
+49.911.20671.20 Gewerbe- museums- platz 2,
D-90403 Nuernberg.
Return to Index at Top Of
Julian &/orVolunteer
To recruit commercial exhibitors. Purpose:
- Exhibitors fees, to help sponsor flying in
some guest speakers etc.
- Give more for attendees to look at.
- Provide more interest for press & non BSD
committed computer users to review
Rosa Riebl
publisher of FreeX Magazine offered: If you
need contacts (names, addresses) to exhibitors, I
can help you. (Rosa says: Exhibitors don't like the
atmosphere @ Uni..)
Return to Index at Top Of
- Volunteers Needed
Hubert F. & Andreas L. have volunteered to
recruit speakers, but more volunteers welcome to help them.
Easy for people attending other BSD
conferences. Also feel free to nominate yourself of
others conf-recruit@
if you think the technology may interest others.
Please remember many people won't nominate themselves
(perhaps because they think their work is not that
novel, whereas to an outsider it is), so maybe you an
associate or friend should nominate
- Speaker travel cost sponsoring may be possible if
we have commercial exhibitors contributing to
Return to Index at Top Of
*** Review Of Papers (following
Call For Papers)
- A team to review / select papers to be presented.
Team of Volunteers Needed
Geographic location of reviewers irrelevant. Should
obviously be good in-depth BSD people !
Suggestions from previous conference organisers maybe ? If you are
willing & qualified to help, or know someone who
is, please contact Gary J. & Hubert F.
Return to Index at Top Of
- Planning order of shorter & longer talks &
possibly parallel streams & BOFs etc to keep a lively
& sensible mix, feeding info to leaflet planner &
own sub web page, & from reviewers etc.
Return to Index at Top Of
- Volunteer Needed
Not needed yet, but later, to extend this web page
to a set of slick pages for the conference, separated
by subjects & in multiple human language variants
possibly. Work to start After we have recruited the
team of volunteers, & before we advertise.
Bi/multi-lingual pages are envisaged in am macro'd
form, perhaps in a similar m4 method to indx.m4
(but think about maintenance with `tidy'. Macroing
will save multiple copies with old URLs. Before this,
pages could be spun off for EG: travel providers,
cheap plane & train companies etc, perhaps using
a WIKI method as per
Priority & purpose of this page is to recruit
& co-ordinate people to make the event happen.
Fiddling with a glitzy web page on its own won't do
that, & is not at this stage useful, so can come
later, more important at this early stage is to
recruit the rest of the team that will do the work to
make the event happen 
Return to Index at Top Of
2 Volunteers Needed
has posted to advocacy@freebsd, Andreas L has or
will post to a German List, but We need someone to
contact lists regularly when needed, (International
& European & German lists), & other
public source organisations, magazines etc, &
Austrian, German, & European BSD groups.
Perhaps 2 people: one native of each language ? Or
two people happy to write in both English &
German, however _you_ the volunteers choose to
arrange it.
List of contacts (to be extended) include
Return to Index at Top Of
Josef El-Rayes (Linz) is our first volunteer, but
more Volunteers
to work with him, &/or as fallback.
His first efforts will appear Broken Link here. Obviously
people, particularly out-of-towners, need to know
where to go & when, they need the essentials on
preferably a single sheet, complete with a small
map, & maybe emergency last minute
co-ordination mobile phone numbers. BIM has a leaflet
using BSD tools that would make a good template for
a conference leaflet. Consult the leaflet
page for the mail list of editors, for more advice.
We need a Volunteer to
create the official conference reference leaflet.
Or just use whatever other tools you want (using BSD
tools so others can help or take over in case you
cease to be available). The leaflet will be
something conference delegates will be very
thankful to keep handy, as a vital reference in
their back pocket throughout the conference, with
maps to locations, & lists of times &
Attendees will be told to print their own
leaflet before coming, to save us work & cost,
(also as they will need it for reference, for map
before arriving at lecture theatre).
Rosa Riebl
publisher of FreeX Magazine offered: If you
need assistance in production of paperware, do not
hesitate to contact me. I have print contingents
with good prices. .... They also should not
hesitate to contact me with regard to artwork and
Return to Index at Top Of
- Volunteer Needed
Web/email BSD based of
course. BIM
servers & apache available for this. Work on a
first trial/ skeletal implementation can start as
soon as a volunteers is
found. Suggestion: You could discuss with people at
the BIM
Stammtisch or BIM mail list
what information the form should collect. Later you
can enhance the form as info. evolves.
Josef El-Rayes has volunteered to help on this
too, (& knows PHP) but as he's already down for
the leaflet, he's not hypertexted & mail
aliased here too, as we don't want to overload
The first version of the leaflet might be needed
before a booking form, if the first version is more
of a promotion type leaflet to be given away at
other events, to promote knowledge of our event,
then later we'll need web bookings, & an
authoritative leaflet for conference attendees to
print just before they depart to travel to
Return to Index at Top Of
- Several Volunteers
To deal with enquiries from attendees &/or
prospective attendees, that can't be dealt with on
the web form. This should include some Munich area
people, familiar with infrastructure/geography, but
some non Munich people could help too.
Return to Index at Top Of
- Several Volunteers
After web form is filled. Compile list of definite
attenders. May involve accepting money if we have a
conference fee.
Return to Index at Top Of
- More cheap
places on VCFE page
- Volunteer Needed We
will need cheap hotel lists, recommendations, even if
only several URLs & phone numbers of such as
- Address of tourist office, phone numbers, &
useful info for visitors to be compiled &
included in conference
Perhaps typical down market pricing info:
- For a more current list see
- YMCA (near
Schiller- Str. & HBF,
@ Sept 2005: 28 Euro/ single room 25/head double.
Haneberg- str 8. Tel 126050
- Pension Maya, Landwehr str 32c (computer
shopping area centred on
Schiller- Str.) Tel +49.89.552370 Fax
+49.89.554651, 35 Euro/night & 50 Euro if
twin bedded, inc breakfast.
CVJM = YMCA (but someone told me not
affiliated to international YMCA ? ) 38.5 Euro @
2009.10, but normal YMCA annoyance, like no
visitors & doors locked at 00:30 5 Euros less
if younger than 26. Landwehr str 13. Web
Nov.-March is about 20% less.
- Hotel
Schiller- Str. has special rates for 20+
people, they have a web address
- is
an index of hotels,
includes Munich. Negatives: Any non German has to
guess & click on this internationally unknown
German word "Sprache" before it gives a column of
countries ("Land" would have been better
understandable in English & German). (unless
that's cos it saw I'm coming from a .de domain,
but that's still too simple). Black background
make it virtually impossible to read tabularised
icons etc. Cheapest I found after specifying 30
Euro 5 Km radius was 38 Euro (Tassilo Apartments,
single rooms only,Rabl- Str. 10-12, 81669
Muenchen Haidhausen ).
Someone I trust mailed me 2006.02
to say:
Rough Guide recommends: Blauer Bock (?60-77),
Sebastians- Platz 9 (Stadtmuseum) Am Markt,
Heiliggeist Str 6 (Viktualien Markt)
Braunauer Hof (best known for restaurant)
Frauen- str 40 (close Isartor transport)
;'good value rooms'
If you want a better hotel, (eg twice as
expensive), there are of course a vast number
via search engines, but here's one I happen to
know of:
Daniel, Sonnen Str 5, Tel +49 89 54824 0
Standard single small room, Small desk,
sufficient for laptop & maybe 4 or 5 x A4
sheets, modem point, shower toilet in room.
Rooms designated as smoke or non smoke. 85
Euro / night inc tax & breakfast @
2006.02 (Fri Sat Sun cheaper: 75 ) Also
cheaper when they have lots of rooms free:
Ask. Prices jump during Oktoberfest &
trade fairs.
- There's a bunch of map servers listed
Bed & Breakfast: Numerous B & B,
presumably cheap on road side on Verdis
Str. between Obermenzing
(Autobahn A8 roundabout from Augsburg), and Nymphenburg.
Needs daylight to spot them. Usually noticed by
off road. ex front garden, concrete parking
space in front. Too long to walk. Hire one of
those new bikes that litter the city (They need
App AVG more &/or credit card).
Return to Index at Top Of
- Volunteer Welcome We
will need a large lunch venue arranged - Student
eating hall (`casino') probably & or large cafe,
or adjacent park & sandwich bar option if weather
is good. It needs to be investigated, decided &
put in leaflet.
Return to Index at Top Of
- Volunteer Welcome We
will need large evening venues arranged - beer halls
probably & or large pizza joints/cafes, where
people can hang out & meet, (not everyone drinks
alcohol, or even caffeine, & we will not be using
expensive hotel foyers as meeting points, so we need
other locations designated. This can't be left ad
hoc, most people will be from out of town, &
won't have a clue, they need list of Venues: Date
& Time, Addresses, phone numbers, maps. As there
will be no official conference hotel, it's important
to get this right ! It needs to be investigated,
decided & put in leaflet.
Return to Index at Top Of
- Volunteers Needed
Maybe 2/3 people to liase with speakers These should
be a Munich area people, familiar with infrastructure
& geography: Imagine yourself as a speaker from
Amsterdam or Madrid, & you've never been there
before, & you have an overhead projector or
beamer problem, or need to print off some last minute
photocopies, or check a web ref. You will be the
local who knows what's where.
Return to Index at Top Of
- Volunteers
Current volunteers include Andreas L (local) &
Tim K. (remote) . Maybe Freddy will want to join them
(esp. if site=vcfe) ? A load of out-of-towners
visiting our town, will want the same tech support
we'd like if having a conference in their town: Net
access & perhaps power to recharge laptops etc].
A the very least, a printed map to the Internet Cafe
opposite the Haupt Bahnhof, + Map to Schiller-
Str. to buy blank media etc. They'd probably like
more: hubs for their laptops etc, even ideally,
some-one who has negotiated access to an equipped
terminal room. Some of this depends on the venue, but
whatever, all other organisers will be busy organising
other aspects of the conference, so we need a few BIM Munich
locals who have access to combinations of loan
equipment, cars, contacts, cable, whatever, people to
be team oriented, tech. support problem solvers. If
we want to provide net access ? If we have a node to
connect to, but can't borrow enough hubs etc, we'll
need to consider buying some hubs etc & charge a
conference fee to cover it.)
- Andreas enquired about Münchner
Bürgernetz: dieses Buergernetz macht nur noch
reinen Schulungs- betrieb und hat keine eigene
Netz-Infrastruktur mehr.)
Return to Index at Top Of
- Volunteer Needed
To keep costs down, & enable last minute entries
we will not have a bound Conference Proceedings.
Perhaps we will have a CDROM, or perhaps not, just an
FTP image to download, & or a directory tree.
containing copies of papers to be presented, &/or
associated code. If we decide to burn real cdroms,
paid for by a conference fee, we may as well fill
remaining space with other code/data (what ?).
Alternately if we just provide an image to download
& burn, we may as well keep it to minimum volume.
This will be decided later by a Volunteer CDROM/Proceedings
compiler, who will need to work with our "Speaker Relations Co-Ordinator" The
CDROM volunteer may want to request bandwidth/space
from ftp-admin@leo.
Rosa Riebl
publisher of FreeX Magazine offered: If you
need assistance in production of CD-ROMs, do not
hesitate to contact me.
Return to Index at Top Of
We have lists served by Mailman
conf-announce Venues, Calls For Speakers & Registration: Open, Read only.
conf-chat Car & code sharing etc: Closed Later Open, Unmoderated.
conf-core Core Organisers: Closed, Unmoderated.
conf-detail Detail for Registered / Paid Attenders, Closed, Read only.
conf-org Organisers: Closed, Unmoderated.
conf-speak Speakers: Closed, Unmoderated.
- Join
Mail List or Other
Return to Index at Top Of
Work not listed above will be dealt with by our
list conf-org@
(Please volunteer to join a team.) Although all
organisers are on the one list, we are grateful for
all categories of helper:
- Remote Organisers willing to do work that
doesn't need knowledge of or access to Munich
infrastructure. Work such as email, web, scripts,
lists etc. Volunteers include: Martin M. &
Sebastian.K. & Josef K. Please contact these
people first if local knowledge is not
- Local Organisers familiar with Munich
- Core organisers: Expected to do more work
than others, bear more responsibility, & have
a larger say in decisions, commensurate with
effort expended. Some will be Munich locals,
& perhaps some not.
If you really need to contact all
If lots of us contribute a little bit of effort, it'll
spread the load & be quite easy ! Please let us know what's the little bit you
can contribute ? (People who help can be rewarded by
lower to zero conference fees (though we're aiming ideally
for very low to zero fees anyway)).
Just because someone is listed for a job, does not
necessarily mean we have enough people on that job, or that
person wants to hog the job, or even do it particularly, it
does mean someone has been prepared to put his/her name down
for it though. The job may well need more people, either
50/50 or as backup, etc, please feel free to Volunteer ! You may help relieve a heavy
load, or be be better suited, motivated, or geographically
situated etc, or just release another volunteer to do some
other job also needed. We obviously need at least one person
for each area, so to start the ball rolling, people have been
listed for each area where possible. Please don't feel you've
been overlooked, we want your contribution too, & want
you to volunteer please.
Return to Index at Top Of Page.
This Section Of Email Not Yet Merged In
Return to Index at Top Of Page.
If people want another EuroBSD in the UK, University of
Kent at Canterbury does a roaring trade in vacation
conferences, & was one of the first Unix centres in
the UK, & would probably be happy to seriously way
underbid previous BSD hotel venues
such as Brighton. Copious public terminals of course, I
suspect all study bedrooms on campus are net- wired by
Presumably many other Universities around the world offer
similar good deals during student vacations.
Compare prices above with last California or EuroBSD
Amsterdam 2002, Hotel based pricing:
- EUR 130 per night (excluding. breakfast and
excluding. 5% city tax) + American breakfast - EUR 16
less hotel bulk pre-book discount
- 250 Euro for 3 day conference booked before October
Note the UKC University price may or may not have a
discount negotiable, I don't know, not tried, but UKC
price _Includes_ cost of conference facilities, so only
extra fees BSD volunteer organisers would need to collect
would be out of pocket phone charges, & maybe more
cash for guest speaker accom. & travel if desired.
rates long ago when this was written: Approx: 3 Euros
= 3 US Dollar = 2 Pounds Sterling (UK)
- Hotel 3 * 146 * 1.05 guess discount 0.7 + 250 Euro
= 570 Euro
- Uni. 3 * ( 57 + 5 for org. expenses + 15) * 1.5
exchange = 340 Euro
15 = a guess at extra surcharge to subsidise guest
speaker travel &/or accommodation.
Accommodation in Universities might be more basic, but
where it really counts: tiered lecture Theatres & net
access, they'll be way ahead ! Plus ... Approx. Half
Price !! Lets have some BSD conference in
Universities, not hotels !
Return to Index at Top Of Page.
Lecture Language: English.
- This is a European conference for an international BSD
- Exception may be made for individual speakers who
explicitly register their requirement to lecture in another
language, as part of the call for papers & selection
procedure. Any such language requirement must be registered
before we take bookings & payments from attendees.
- In the unlikely case there's sufficient demand,
speakers & attenders, the organisers might (prior to
start of registration & payment) choose to organise a
parallel stream in German.
- If all present at a lecture understand German well
enough, change may occur, if it does not exclude
- Native English speakers should speak clearly, in non
complex English, without dialect, or obscuring accent,
- Non native English speakers are particularly welcome,
we want to hear about BSD, we're not a
bunch of linguists here to criticise grammar, please help
non English native speakers, please don't criticise them,
but help if they get stuck.
- Any Lecturer who chooses to provide a written
transcript / paper / notes of his lecture is free to
provide it in any language(s) he wants (as writing in
`Foreign' is harder than reading or speaking in `Foreign',
& writing these things is chore enough, without the
burden of language, & even if readers can't understand
the paper, they can still look at code fragments, diagrams,
URLs etc).
- The machine language for presentations should Not be
the hated MS product power point, but something PD sourced
eg perhaps Magicpoint (or perhaps one of the other
Presentation Managers listed here
Questions Following Lectures: Mostly English
But language may well switch, possibly several times, as
lecturer & participants will be less prepared for
impromptu questions & answers.
BOF (`Birds Of A Feather')
Ideally mostly English, so no one is excluded, but maybe
German too.
Social, Coffee & Evening:
English in some circles, German in more circles, Others
third languages too maybe ?
Organisers Mail List:
As of writing, all organisers read/ speak both German and
English, more are currently German. That will probably
change. If you want to know what language(s) the organisers
use on their planning list, see: "Volunteering To Help".
Web pages & mail announcements will be provided in
whatever languages the volunteers write them, &
whatever languages they or other volunteers translate them
to. If documents are originally in German, at least a
minimal shorter English summary will be sought.
Target Audience are capable of listening in English.
- Conference is intended to be cheap, heavily technical,
& of high worth to BSD people with
tangible Unix experience, who are thus assumed to be
reasonably comfortable reading & listening in
- The conference technical value will not be reduced by
tilting the conference to appeal to those with little Unix
expertise, & little capability to understand English as
used on international Unix documentation & mail
- The conference is not a BSD recruitment
& marketing exercise for Unix newbies. BSD promotion &
support to the technically &/or linguistically limited
is covered by: { German BSD books, &
German (Lehmanns) CDROMS, & German language mail lists
& maybe
; BIM (Berkeley In
Munich) also provide a BSD leaflet &
stands at Elektronik Boerse,
& VCFE & will
host a Munich
BSD install event later, etc. We do enough other BSD
promotion - so this BSD conference is not to have many
concomitant criteria changed or sacrificed to attracting
newbies. This one's for us, the people already into BSD

Gruener was main organiser for YAPC,
Notes of a phone call, apologies if errors etc:
- They had 150 at London Perl, 200 at Amsterdam, 250 at
- They charged 89 Euro/head
- they made about 1K Euro profit. Without the auction of
signed T shirts books & stuff @ end, that made 3.5K,
they'd have made a loss.
- The legal organiser was YAPC USA, as it takes a long
time to register an EV or GMBH in Germany. YAPC USA would
have been liable in event of loss.
- As they'd expected up to 350/500 people, they used TUM,
as it has big lecture halls; they had a 600/800 seat
lecture theatre, + a 350 + a 150 seat. for Wed-Fri, plus a
room + key lockable (for equipment etc), + a lobby for
catering, last 2 were for Tues-Fri.
- TUM had verbally quoted them 20% discount if free entry
for staff & students, or 50% discount if sponsored by a
Uni. department,
- They didn't have this in writing though, & ended up
looking at full 100% 10K Euro room hire fee ! they chased
it round the Uni, but got no joy, & no discount, &
they couldn't switch venue, 'cos it was announced for the
Uni, & too late. The Uni bureaucrats that negotiate
have no guidance from the academics, & no motivation to
promote technology, their aim is to make money for
- YAPC had a nightmare with credit card payments, &
faxing people with payment problems.
- Germany quotes end users inc MWST, but conference organisers are not seen as end
users, so bills such as 10K Euro for halls become (+17%)
12K, which can upset budgeting if one forgets.
- BIM conf will have a mandatory conf. delegate email
list so we can make emergency changes at short notice if
necessary (+ web of course).
- TUM sounds like no chance of a free lecture hall in
exchange for free entry (though we need to ask anyway),
& need to ask other places too.
- By reduced BIM room usage relative to Perl Conf (YAPC)
we could reduce cost; by finding a sponsoring uni. dept. we
could get a worthwhile reduction, IF we convince a
department & IF it's in writing, vitally important that
! But it'd still cost, so we'd still have to charge
- Other Universities/ tech schools may be cheaper, but
have smaller lecture theatres.
- IBM & Sun are worth investigating as sponsors. But
if we were to get a free room usage @ IBM/Sun at their
site, it wouldn't be big enough, companies only generally
have one room for up to maybe 100 people & beyond that
they themselves use hotel type facilities etc.
- If we have to pay to hire accommodation & collect
conference fees, then it becomes a lot more work _and_ risk
of loss.
- Julian knows a professional event organiser who could
probably help us, but that too would cost.
- Summary: either we find a free room, or we find a room
sponsor (inc exhibitors), or we charge a per head fee, but
if we have to collect 250 or more times X Euros, we need to
pay someone to do that (out of fees collected), it's too
time consuming for us to do that free I think.
Return to Index at Top Of Page.
We appreciate all offers of help. Even more appreciated, are
those who see work listed here with no person listed for it,
(or not enough people, or overloaded people listed in too
many places), "who say, OK, I'll help with XYZ then", or
possibly, "You haven't listed XYZ, but you'll need XYZ, &
I'll help on it".
Return to Index at Top Of Page.
- Euro BSD 2004
- Broken Link "" March 13-14
EuroBSDCon 2004 semi-official announcement
From: "Patrick M. Hausen"
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2004 13:54:41 +0100 (CET)
Hi all!
EuroBSDCon 2004 is going to take place:
Date: Oct. 29th - 31st, 2004
Location: Karlsruhe, Germany, Queens Hotel
We are in the process of setting up the website including
the official program, conference venue, registration
and call for presentations.
The complete website will be up by May, 1st. We will announce
the URL here and via Daemonnews. Any additional suggestions on
where to send the announcement?
In the meantime a preliminary website will be up in a couple of
days so we can get the call for presentations started early
and give anyone enough time. Announcement as above.
Patrick M. Hausen
- 2005 November 25 - 27, 2005 University of Basel,
- fosdem Not BSD
but interesting.
Laser Pointers & Presenters
If presenter is Right handed, he should sit to Left of
projector beam.
Why ? Because when people use these combi wireless mouse
& laser, they use right hand to point, & don't always
turn off laser power quick enough between pointing away from
screen back to where hands are at rest position. Imagine
worst scenario: presenter sits near wall in a smallish room,
backside on a table half facing neutrally between screen on
his right & people on his left. He is right handed, where
would his too late turned off beam swing into ? the wall or
eyes of the people in the left front of the audience.