Munich Saturday/Friday Beer Gardeners
(& Indoors in cold, wet, &
winter etc)
The Corona preamble was 2022-05-14 moved to
end of page.
Every Saturday or Friday & odd extra days too.
Indoors when too cold/ wet & in
- QUESTIONS - Not By Email
- WHERE IN MUNICH & Nearby ?
(You need name & password
from bg list footers for
- Inside or Outside ?
- ENGLISH ! Not German.
- Indoor Seating Reservations
- Fraudulent short measures
- Irish & Guinness
- Transport & MVV
- Bikes - German national Fines
& other Munich hazards.
( We don't drink & drive cars, not all have bikes, so we
choose Beer gardens near public transport. They sometimes have convenient
cycle routes nearby. )
- Fancy a hot Curry / Chilli
- Ultimate
Beer Gardeners in a British river 16 Nov. 2015
More dedicated than us, Credit to them 
- Brexit Beer
Gardeners. Summer Monthly Beer Gardens in 2017 to agonise
& swap advice about Brexit. Co-ordinated by mail
- Beer Calories
Other Groups:
meetup . com / friday - beergarden / events / 301103303
meetup . com / munchen - dinner - junkies - meetup -
group / Some Saturdays, not all, eg [ Nothing Sat Aug
24, 2024 Sat, Aug 17, 2024, 19:30 La Vecchia Masseria;
Sat, Aug 10, 2024, 18:30 Bavariapark; Sat, Aug 3, 2024,
18:30 Leib und Seele ; Sat, Jul 27, 2024, 19:00 Astrid's
Birthday party & BBQ; }
Other Search
Please do Not mail the author questions, Read the
page below for answers. Author has no time for repetitive
email questions, when he should be doing paid computer work, at his
screen, sorry ! - Please ask the organisers or others At the Beer
garden, over a beer, when we're happy to chat,
de-focused from screens!
: You want to socialise with people you'll
get on with ? Us too ! Various types don't suit you ? Us
too ! So both you And the group retain rights to decline,
review, withdraw membership
- SUMMARY: English
speaking (relaxed & fluent) multi- national, lively, intelligent, non
smokers, no drunks, etc.
- The mail line footer defines us, (with occasional
variation on what can be crammed on one line), eg:
Fluent English speaking international bright lively
non smokers.
- NOT GEA. Please
do Not recruit more/ most GEA people
- There's Lots of
other English clubs people can join.
- Some of us are English
- All of us can speak English .
- Some can speak German.
- Some are German,
- Some are or have been eg: American, Austrian,
Canadian, Chinese, English,
French, German, Iraqi, Irish, Pakistani, Scots,
Singapore, Spanish, Swedish, Syrian, Welsh, etc.
- We are not a linguists group, but random
German Speaking
- Speak English with us. You don't need to be a
native English speaker though; natives of Arabic,
Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, etc
languages all welcome.
- Germans who join us come to speak English, not
If you want to speak German, we are Not the right
group for you:
- Native English speakers who want to inflict
their German on us are Not Welcome !
- Native German speakers who can speak English,
but don't, should join other groups.
- Talking in German for long, would dilute the
group, (as GEA was long
ago Germanised, then failed).
- To speak German, don't join us, join
innumerable other clubs run in Munich Germany, where
about 80% of toward 2 million people are native
German speakers.
- Disagree ?
Fluent English Speaking
- Flakey English grammar is not so bad: Better
you get the grammar wrong, than bore us waiting,
searching for the right phrase.
- We do not correct people. That would break up
conversation. We're Not an unpaid language
school. There's plenty of English teachers in
Munich you can employ.
- We do not make speeches. ! We're not Munich toast
- Do not bring friends who can only speak
German, that's not fair to us (or them) !
Can you switch to German if stuck ?
Yes, if really stuck, for a bit, & others
listening happen to want to understand
German, (not all can or want to). German is
Not the preferred language, any more than
Russian or Turkish or Chinese, so revert to
English as soon as possible.
- If you are German, & you'r English is
"Iffy" do not make the mistake of bringing more
German friends with marginal English to keep you
company, find a German speaking group.
- People are removed when they can't / don't /
won't speak English. Not just Germans, even
native English speakers are
Not Welcome to practice German on us, & are
removed if doing so.
- Thoughts
on [German] grammar
- Disagree ?
NON SMOKERS. Exclusively ! Do NOT bring smoker
friends !
- Do NOT Bring Smokers ! Not even outside ! Some of
us eg are
allergic &/or hate smoke. Most of
us do not want to be near, even outside.
- Do Not Smoke just before arrival, Do not nip out
for smokes & return, breath stinking of smoke.
(It's impossible to avoid the death breath of
a smoker sat next to you, who turns to talk to you on
same bench). Smokers can buy nicotine chewing
gum for the evening, or use nicotine adhesive
patches, or consume snuff well away from us, or have
their first smoke well away from us after leaving for
the evening, or Don't Join Us ! Go join smokers at
the other beer garden group.
- (Restaurants
that were smoke free before Bavaria's 1st half
hearted ban & later Bavaria's 2nd more rigorous
- Disagree ?
- We are mostly professionals, mostly intelligent
(debate any implied associativity, or assert any lack
of logical connectivity over a beer ;-)
- We're not ``politically correct', (aka new trendy
word `Woke`) Mental
strait jackets imposed by others not accepted.
We speak real English not crippled by American (or,
increasingly also by British too) politicians'
political correctness, We call a spade a spade,
(Which we mean as An English noun, related to
a shovel, not an American noun as racial
slang) We talk about the sex (not gender) of
a thing (if anyone gives a flying monkey's ;-) &
if anyone asks for a Rest Room or Bathroom, they'll
likely be teased that if they needed to rest or
bathe, that was best done at home first ;-) Pubs,
bars & Beer Gardens have toilets, but not baths
& beds to rest ;-)
- We do not bring kids & babies making a racket
& interrupting & reducing complex
conversation to the mundane.
- Disagree ?
- We do Not drink to get drunk
- `Head bangers' groups exist elsewhere ;-)
- Seriously abusive behaviour not tolerated, drunk
or sober.
- We do Not encourage (or discourage ;-) alcohol
consumption, most drink beer, author sometimes
drinks Alkohol- frei beer , a few drink wine, a few
drink Rabarba- schoerle (Rhubarb with fizz) etc.
Coffee's fine if you don't want alcohol. We won't
push you to drink alcohol, though obviously you have
to buy Something, at least mineral water, to pay the
pub for the table.
- We're not averse to a lively debate/ argument but
only if people remain intelligent & Listen too,
& no one monopolises conversation.
- Motor mouths not needed. Alcohol lubricated non
stop talkers Not wanted.
- There's pretty much nothing we consider off
limits to discuss. If you're easily offended, you nay
well have a problem, though we likely will not
- Disagree ?
- Come with an open lively mind,
- Don't be stuffy, If you want "Sie" rather than
"Du" (Not that we'll be speaking German anyway), or Mr/Dr Smith
rather than John.Joan,Join some other group, not
Move seats a few times during the evening. Make
_your_ contribution to enlivening topics &
debate ! Sitting at the same seat all evening can
be stultifying both for you And your neighbours -
move around !
- You may not be bored yet.
- Others might not be bored with you yet.
- But others may. Or maybe they want to talk to
someone else too, & you more later.
- Those stuck against a wall can't
- Maybe someone next to a free seat is bored
& would welcome you moving there ?
- Make your contribution: don't just sit there,
Move On !
- Get up & you should Expect your seat to
be `stolen' by someone else, they are Supposed
To! It makes for variety for all.
- "That's my seat!" Is Not acceptable! Just
rescue your beer and mat
& move to a new seat.
- If you don't like it, Don't come.
- Disagree ?
- Are you too lazy to get your own email ?
- Then you'r not mentally lively &/or adept
enough for the group.
- Join some other group, not us.
- We have no time to answer phones or SMS people
- We do Not update a web page each week.
(This author often did many years back, but it
was more work, + Our email list relays to
whole group in just minutes, & not to whole
public on web sites, some of who do not fit
- We do Not want you phoning us each week,
interrupting us, just just for the venue
announcement. Get yourself a free email address *you
don't even need a computer for that, you can access
it via an Internet cafe)
- Join
- Disagree ?
- If you wish to suggest & discuss venues,
& help choose, announce & host venues, Please
do, You are very welcome. Please volunteer yourself
to BG Organisers.
But, If you wish to vigorously Argue & Assert
Your opinion:
- You have the right to leave us without
- We have the right to remove you without
If You Argue With BG
Organisers, about BG Organisation, &
vigorously Assert your non organiser's opinion
- We should accept everyone without
- We should organise things Your
- Your opinion on organising carries as much
weight as organisers
You will be removed as a liability,
- Our regularly working organisers are our chief asset, far
more valuable than non organisers.
- Do Not annoy, waste time of, or risk
demotivating organisers from
- The organisers have
invested much time organising, organisers time is much more valuable
than that of non organisers,
& organisers opinions far
outweigh the opinions of non organisers, when it
comes to Organising
It's not unfair or biased, but is fact, it's
- A reward to the few organisers who Work for our common
- An incentive to non organisers to please sometimes
volunteer to help organise next venue.
- You are welcome to Buy the right to assert
opinions on organising, by first working free as
an organiser.
- (Some saw an old club (GEA) wither from
it's open door policy, tolerating misfits, a few
malign, & sundry over opinionated non organisers.
An object lesson to avoid repeating. )
FAQ - Frequently Asked Question:
"Do you really want new people to come
- YES, we want people who will fit the
- No, we don't want people who will not fit the
- You decide if the group may be for
- If so join the list,
come to events, if it's not for you, leave list
- Don't have a buyer's expectation of a gushing
advert, hyping us to you: We are Not selling to you
- Unlike some other sites, we do not advertise at
you, or harvest or sell your mail address etc, &
we charge no membership or event entrance etc.
- We just state who we are, (partly defined by who
we are Not), & you decide to join us or not.
- We offer Free organisation of events, but just
for those who fit the group; Many friends attend
- We are dependent on the time organisers donate us free, so we protect
our group & especially organisers.
- One occasional rogue can demotivate organisers, & spoil the fun many
innocents generate.
- Another club died from an open door policy
tolerating misfits, so: we are cautious: Not just the
individual but also the group retains a right to
decide if the other is a fit or a misfit.
- If you stay in the group, & preferably invest
time helping us organise, your experience will later
carry weight to discuss with organisers.
- The author has been a major clubs organiser for decades, contributed masses
of free time to club & event organising, as have
numerous other organisers
- Non & prospective members should Not email us
to discuss policy. Just join list or not, Join the
group a few times, & if not for you, leave
- Members who've attended events for a while are
welcome to discuss with organisers
preferably at an event, not by email.
- Mail List Founded: maybe around 1995 give or take 5
years or so ?, some years after 1985, long before 2001
(When I remember sending bg@
list a live alert on planes in 11
Sep 2001 NY twin trade towers, pentagon, etc).
- If drinking inside Mark Your
Beer Mats Avoid mistakes, remind your neighbours
too, especially if waiter does not do it for you. In
every big group, some drinkers sometimes forget to pay
enough, occasionally some rogues may deliberately not pay
enough, occasionally some waiters cheat too, (one waiter
tried to bill us for a spare cheeseburger !) Most
drinkers & waiters are honest. Cheats exist too.
Mistakes happen too, Alcohol doesn't aid memory &
counting. Mark the mat.
- Join the mail list where we announce this week's
- In dodgey weather or crowded venues, be on
time &/or note the organisers
mobile number from the announcement. We go when we
Most other beer garden indexes are little to no use for
us. as most other indexes:
- Full of hype & gloss, & prioritise
history, culture & other irrelevance, (may be
nice to know, but we choose by our own beer garden
- Others don't warn if short
- Others in German language, well not all our
people speak German, or want to read yet more German.
(One index is even in faked mis-spelled Bavarian,
indecipherable if you'r new/ only read Hoch Deutsch
ie proper German, not mis spelt dialect).
- Fraudulent short measures are Very common in rip
off Munich, where even government is on the O'fest
rip off, charging way over 100 mass (DE
of tax per 100 litres of beer sold, instead of
ensuring proper measures served. The locals are so
used to be ripped off, most indexes don't mention
- Most indexes don't list if a Beer Garden delivers
bad service while priding itself on being Bavarian,
some have obnoxious staff one
- Do they serve Wrong beer or bad beer ?
Breweries merged to lessen choice for customers.
(Same complaint we had in UK, when CAMRA started),
Jim (an organiser) dislikes Franziskaner beer, (&
I've chucked away much of 2 mass dunkles beers at Stigl-
maier), so some F. places marked to aid selection
- It's been suggested we should remove some beer
gardens from the index, indeed this author too has been
tempted to, but on consideration we
think that's not best solution, as
certain problems can be worked round sometimes, & not
listing problems just leaves us mystified & memories
fading, till perhaps we get bitten again by same problem,
plus inevitably everywhere will fail at some time,
nowhere can be consistently perfect, so better to just
list know good And bad points & people can decide
where to go on a per visit basis.
Hence this Index is Not verbose enthusiastic gush to
promote tourism, written by PR weenies, paid for breweries
& drinking trade. It's the opposite: It's notes on
what's right & more importantly Wrong with
- Listen ... we speak English.
- (OK, That won't help you much in an Irish pub, so
- Ask the waiter for reservation name BERKLIX.
- If you don't know what organisers look like, check organisers web sites, & or use a mobile
- At most beer gardens, we sit over the back, in the
self service area, near the Kid's Play Area (KPA)
often, if there is one, unless otherwise announced.
Near the kids area started 'cos a few people used to
have kids with them occasionally, but it's usually also
easier to reserve more space for unknown quantities of
people, in what is usually the quieter less smokey (but
more noisey) KPA area. Don't let mention of KPA in
mails scare you We are Not a child
oriented family group There's usually no kids now,
Some are semi allergic to kids, certainly in bulk, We
often sit near the KPA just for more space, less
smokers, & despite the noise.
Mostly on SATURDAYS (2/3 prefer
that, 1/3 Fridays, though we started on Fridays. Sometime
we move to Fridays to avoid big football matches on TVs in pubs on Sat.)
Default nominal approximate start times (unless
otherwise announced) subject to fine tuning discussion
(raise topic in a Beer Garden!):
- May & June: 18:00
- July & August: 18:30 / 19:00
- September: (politician's fake summer time) 18:00 =
17:00 (solar time)
If still warm in winter time will appear a lot earlier
of course on clock, but not so much earlier, when you
remember to think solar & not compare with
politician's fake summer time).
- Winter & Indoors Starts:
Some arrive earlier & help reserve space, & some
later. Many of us are English, no
need to be very punctual, it's a beer garden, not a
business appointment ! If you arrive before organisers, get us a big enough good table
away from smoke etc, & keep an eye out for organisers, & other regular beer
- We are an Adults Group. Not a families group
for kids.
- Find
some more appropriate group
for parents & families; Not us.
- Join us alone: Pay a baby sitter/ child minder, or
Take turns with other parents, neighbours, etc, one to
stay with kids, others going out.
- Join us in the evening to eat, drink & converse
to adult themes & schedules, Not in mid afternoon
with kids.
Please Do Not Ask For Start Times Convenient For
Kids !
We've tried that various times over years, each time
it failed !
- Many Beer Gardeners skipped events completely
when parents prevailed on us for an early start to
suit children. Even stalwarts came later.
- Parents are unreliable, quite likely to not
show, despite we've committed to change plans for
various couples, they fail to commit to us, put
their kids various problems first, disrupt us with
no shows, after they asked to disrupt us to start
earlier - for their kids!
- Organisers get bored waiting
very early for low turnout of parents & kids
& normal people turn up hours later or more
likely don't show that week.
- Reduced turnout, + presence of kids,
discourages turnout to subsequent events.
- Kids tire early, & some become a nuissance,
parents then leave us early to take kids home
- The depleted remainder get left: not wanting to
drink more alcohol after a too early start,
regretting they didn't start later & get more
done before the early start, (after Beer Garden
started too soon, to suit parents & kids now
gone), knowing it's inappropriate after drinking to
return to continue work (eg on computer or
equipment etc) suspended earlier, not tired yet as
its still early, wondering what to do next ?
Sometimes, we are in venues with weather that allow us to
chose Inside or Outside. If not a beer garden but a
restaurant, then we book ahead, & usually they are
not sure of the weather so book us inside by default. We
may not want inside, but that's what we get, if we don't
actively ask to change it. Inside may be too hot, Outside
may or not be what we want: We are fresh air afficionado,
but outside there's poisonous smokers wind drift,
possible rain, & pigeons dropping)
Here's how we decide In Or Out:
- We're not afraid to sit in 2 groups, 1 in, 1
- We're honourable enough to greet newcomers with
statement "There's also another group of us in/out
- Any attender at a BG venue can call for a vote,
& organiser must then not sit
idle, but call votes For Move, Stay, &
- Minorities can individually go/remain in/out side,
floaters will follow where the vote & organiser
- organiser must get up & lead
majority (if for a move), even if organiser then personally exercises
individual right to return to previous minority
- organiser gets an initial vote
like everyone else.
- If there's a draw, organiser
gets a 2nd casting vote.
- Votes are by public simultaneous show of hands,
For, Against & Abstain.
- Not secret/ verbal aside to organiser, hence no
bluffing/ fudging of totals.
Bad weather
Start Time
If the weather
has been bad all day, if the announcement included a
fallback indoor venue, we may
automatically go there rather later than the preferred
outdoor beer garden. If on the other hand the weather
turns nasty at the last minute, & we divert en route
or fresh from the Beer garden, we'll likely be at the
alternate venue pretty much on time. We're not easily
dislodged from a beer garden though, a few spots of rain
may of us are used to, from growing up much closer to the
Atlantic than here :-)
Question: "I'll Be Late, How Long Will You Be There
Answer: How Late Will You Be ?
Don't Ask Me ! - We don;t know !
We're Not Going To Commit Ourselves ! Your Problem ! Risk
It Or Mobile Us
- Some of us may be there most of the evening if
the weather
is fine, but if the Beer garden is announced in
advance of unpredictable weather,
we will have no idea how long we or others will want
to stay.
- We usually leave when it's cold or dark, or
bored, or any other reason, sometime we leave very
early; occasionally we're still there even if it's
raining intermittently, but we don't wait forlornly
for people who might arrive, when we're thinking of
- If you want to encourage us to wait for you, send
friends in advance to keep us company, (perhaps
pretty or handsome friends, with spare food, drink,
or sparkling repartee ;-) that'll encourage the group
to stay on ... if the weather's
good !
- You're allowed to bring your own food to most or
all Munich beer gardens we announce, so you don't
need to eat at home first !.
- Avoid always arriving late & expecting us to
wait, half bored at a largely empty table. At least
sometimes, arrive near-ish to time, & give organisers the benefit of your
company at the beginning, rather than the end, when
we've had enough, & are bored waiting for
late-comers to drink up.
- On good evenings, it's some times a problem
defending our table space when beer gardens fill up.
Arrive before we are likely to be pestered by
strangers for our spare space.
- Do not follow the example of one unknown idiot,
who told no one he'd be coming, arrived over an hour
late, to a beer garden
closed by the Wirt (Landlord) on a cold day for lack
of business, where we could buy no more beer. That
person was actually indignant that we'd gone, &
hadn't waited just in case someone we neither knew
nor expected turned up ! We're not daft - we don't
wait on the off chance, particularly in poor weather.
Mail List
- Join or Leave Mail
List or Other
- Beer gardens are announced at short notice on
the email list
- The organisers usually try
to announce venues on Thursday afternoons, as it's
convenient for those who only get email at
- In spring & autumn it's hard to plan ahead,
sometimes we delay announcements to Friday, while
waiting on the weather,
deciding if a more sheltered beer garden, or
different inside fallback options are needed.
- It's best, at least for spring & autumn, if
not for summer too, to [also] join your work address rather than [or
as well as] your home address.
- If you stick to just a winter home based
address, you'll also miss spontaneous short notice
mid week beer gardens
Mobile Phones
(`Cell Phone' to use the original American name,
spuriously renamed as `Mobile Phone' in Britain,
& mistakenly called a `Handy' by Germans using
wrongly adopted English ).
Yes we have mobiles. No we don't want numbers
listed here, ask us personally if you feel the
People who claim mobiles are essential for finding
friends in a beer garden are out of their tree,
mobiles are merely a convenience for the caller, but
non-essential, & disturbing to table conversation
of others adjacent to person called.
The beer gardens started before people had mobile
phones. When we didn't know where the group was, we
simply walked methodically, slowly & sequentially
up & down rows, looking at faces, this method
works well even in the very biggest Munich beer
gardens, (IE Hirsch- Garten, Chinesicher Turm,
Augustiner, etc). You might also by chance meet
others of your friends who may want to join us, or
even people you hope may become friends ;-)
SMS (Short Message Service)
If you want to know where we are: phone us, don't SMS
us, some (inc. this Author) do not respond to SMS.
If you are interested to find a gateway we could
use to automatically (not just manually) gateway
email announcements to SMS announcements: Do realise,
SMS's cost, so who will pay ? There's more to this
than just being an MS-Windows end user who uses some
SMS gateway to send one off SMSs. SMS gates make
money by forcing people to read adverts, so the entry
format must change periodically to force you to read
adverts on line. It would be a thankless task to keep
updating the robot interface. Also no doubt German
operators would declare it illegal.
I have no free time to write & maintain the
required scripts to interface to a gate, but if some
other programmer wants to do the programming, I can
provide the 24/7 Internet connected server base
(FreeBSD Unix), with whatever Perl/Java etc type
stuff is necessary.
Venues are decided where possible at previous beer
gardens, by all who intend to come to next week's
venue, failing that (& when weather changes) by
the Beer Garden Organisers to this
- Organisers normally start
discussing/ deciding next Saturday/Friday's venue
on Tuesday.
- Sometimes when the weather
forecast is indeterminate, we delay till
- We normally announce by early/ mid Thursday
- We try to spread the selection geographically. More
weight attaches, if the venue nominated is from a
regular, &/or not particularly near the home/work
of the nominator, it being easy, but not so helpful if
people just nominate their local beer garden.
- If the weather's
good, we often go further to a cooler open park
location, if the weather
is marginal, to a more sheltered one in town.
- If you have a suggestion for a future venue, best
suggest it on a Saturday/Friday to one of the organisers
- It's hard in the dark at the end of an evening, to
recognise & remember who & how many will commit
to coming to which next venue, so it's helpful if those
involved subsequently mail the organisers saying EG "Include me in the
list of faces for people to look for at next venue
[XYZ], - I expect to be there roughly on time"
- In the very rare liklihood none of the numerous organisers will be available to
co-ordinate a decision, we would try to forecast &
announce that in advance, & invite list members to
step forward & announce something, so that an
opportunity is not missed.
- If you nominate a venue by email, DO include the
web address ! If you fail to include web address,
organisers will likely will ignore the suggestion, as
you would waste their time searching & perhaps
2002 Autumn, after beer garden weather
ceased, we continued to meet each Friday in a variety of
venues, some of us going on to GEA Stammtisch later,
(but many not).
We became an all weather
2006 we dumped smokey dives inc GEA Stammtisch, &
used smoke
free venues.
Then the law changed (2008 or 2009) & most decent
places became smoke free, & our venues widened.
2010, January, We switched from Friday to Saturday, as
avoiding pubs with football
on TV & avoiding pubs with
Franziskaner Weissbier became too much trouble, &
more people preferred Saturdays.
- In beer gardens, you can just turn up, but if you are
nice enough to tell organisers in
advance, it can help them know how many adjacent tables
to try to get, & who to look for.
For indoor venues with seating booked by Organisers
- Please Always Reserve Seats With Organisers (Not with operator of the
- When you'r probable coming but not certain yet,
don't remain silent, give organisers clues we can add up: We prefer
Not to hear " likely maybe may might possibly
probably ". We prefer numeric estimates of
probability you will turn up. 3 people guessing 33%
is one extra seat booked.
- organisers always answer each
request for seats inside, normally with a Yes,
sometimes also increasing seats booked at venue.
- If organiser does not confirm
your request: Your mail did not reach us. You Are Not
Booked! You Have No Seat. Please phone organiser & book seats.
Please also report mail failure either to
postmaster@YourDomain &/or postmaster@berklix.
Any postmaster requires full unchanged bounce headers
& error messages, The actual texts beyond,
written by humans are not of much relevance & can
be removed.
- No problem with people who normally book, &
just occasionally don't.
Those who Never book, who regularly turn up at
reserved venues, get removed from mail list:
- They disrupt, needing to extend or shrink
guessed table sizes.
- They squash others, & will be moved away
when booked people arrive.
- Muenchen is rightly proud of the Koenig Ludwig
Erlass (when the King of Bavaria granted Munich brewers
permission to sell their beer under the trees they'd
planted to keep their cellars cool, on condition they
allowed citizens to bring their own food). Rather
unique, not the case in most of Germany or Britain
- Sadly, to balance that pride, there is the Shame of
Short Measures:
- Lots of beer gardens & beer halls often
seriously short measure, particularly at Oktoberfest.
Some O'fest tourists might not care, & go home
boasting of having drunk more mass of beer... but if a
mass is 0.9 to 0.7 litres as the evening wears on &
froth replaces beer, it's an empty boast.
- Traditional bier steins, opaque, such as at Nock-
herberg stark bier fest, are ideal for short measures.
Too many of mine were short measures. Better to buy
stark bier from a bottle, poured into a glass, a half
litre you can trust.
- Magazine articles in 2008 estimate O'fest fraud is
worth around 5 million euros, or .75 cents fraud per
mass, & the city council don't much care, not
looking to enforce an average to the mark, but just
monitoring if way too short.
- Gross consistent regular short measuring that would
get any pub in England closed down promptly by the
Weights & Measures Inspectorate, are
- On the other hand, the Reinheits- Gebot (Purity
law) ensures (theoretically cleaner beer than in UK
(though ask me over a beer, about a UK chemical lorry
driver I met regularly delivering to a Munich brewery
- Anti short measures club costs 6
Euro a year membership. Less than a short mass ! Prost
All Link to S-Bahn, U-Bahn, Tram, Bus, arrive here,
Beamish Stout |
360 |
Guinness Stout mid strength (the correct name,
2.8% ABV) |
280 |
Guinness Stout |
370 |
Murphy's Stout |
370 |
Paulaner Dunkel |
450 |
Paulaner Hell non alcoholic |
260 |
Paulaner Hell |
420 |
Paulaner Oktoberfest beer |
500 |
Paulaner Salvator (Stark) |
710 |
Paulaner Weissbier non alcoholic |
200 |
White Bread is about 265 calories per 100 grams (about 4
So a mass of Paulaner Salvator is equivalent to about a
large loaf of bread!
PS read in a book (
that Nutritionists Calories are really 1000 chemist's
Calories ! Sigh !
Missing the chat
you'd get with friends in the beer garden or over curry
- Bavarian Government in German: for latest regulations
- Bavarian Government
in English - (via
) for latest regulations
- Bavarian Government in German -
Past History (at for
older versions of corona regulations.
- German
Diplomatic Service in UK in English - Travel
- Translation
- Corona
Info, Not Specific To Berklix Beer
Our Beer Gardeners & Organisers are individuals with
varied perspectives some are more & less
worried / strict / lax / paranoid / careful or
careless about the virus & regulations.
Some attend or organise as before, some less,
some not at all. Like society at large there's
a spectrum of perspectives & personal &
government policies. Perspectives depend where
the observed & observer stands, & a
matter of time, geography, local, neighbouring,
& world news & statistics, & local
regulations... There's no uniform policy to
label us all too this or that ;-)
There's a conundrum with the combination of { Corona
Track & Trace, Who has event contact info in
event of a Corona trace
back, the Mail List (automaticaly
archived ) receiving seat bookings, &
government need for swift contact info, eg email
address & phone numbers etc, & Berklix's
unpaid volunteer admin staff adamant in refusing
to waste time for EU's
Our practice below. If you are subscribed to bg@
& will suggest improvements, to Organisers on
bg-org@ or over a beer, please do. Or
un-subscribe yourself from bg@
any time.
- Organisers ask in each
announcement to
bg@ for all attenders to email organisers via
bg-org@ if they want to attend.
- Organisers on
bg-org@ just receive your email address
& human name
- Do Not mail
bg-org@ your other personal contact info
such as phone numbers etc in seat bookings you
send to
bg-org@. Your replies to
bg-org@ are retained forever in the
archive, (available only to Organisers). It is not editable or
removable (it is not some commercially operated
database but just a classic mail
Do not mail
bg-org@ personal info ! We do Not
want your personal info ! It could be be a
major liability to us, re.
GDPR, we might need to deem it reason to
instantly purge you from all lists to keep us
safe from
GDPR time wasters who might otherwise
burden our unpaid Berklix
volunteers, wasting our time.
Exception: We don't ask you to, but if you
wanted, you always could: un-subscribe from
bg@ & re-subscribe
bg@ with a longer name. eg
un-subscribe "John Smith"
<> and
re-subscribe as "John Smith, +49 89
12345678, Mobile +44 1234 567689, 1 Penguin
Road, Berkeley"
This is allowed because
- Mailman
has always supported it, ages before
GDPR & Corona
It's nothing new, it's always been
possible, we're just telling you in case
you might really want to. We are
emphaticaly Not asking you to.
- You retain total control of all your
data at all times, & can yourself
delete all, edit anew, re-submit all.
- All without consuming our time
checking/ changing/ deleting/ adding your
- It protects us from
GDPR - we unpaid volunteers do not want
your data, & do not want our time
wasted by
- We much prefer you don't give Berklix
any contact info. As even you just
re-subscribing may require an admin spend
time time clicking subscription approval
(as some lists have subscription monitored
to block abuse). Best give Berklix No
personal info, we don't want the hastle!
- Bavarian Regs require venues to keep
contact lists of customers, (usually for 2
- Organisers comply,
giving their own correct contact detail.
- If you want to voluntarily add your contact
info to the list the venue collects, Do so
direct to the list held by venue, not via the
- Sometimes a venue requires names or full
contacts for all, sometimes just a single name
for a table or group.
- The venue might only collect contact info
from the first in the group to arrive, that
might or not be the event organiser.
- We ask all on
bg@ list who have attended an event to
remain regularly in frequent receipt of
bg@ announcements for 2+ weeks after, in
case government requests a fast Corona trace
back alert to event attenders.
This means do not subscribe an address you
only check once a week !
- If there's a Corona
outbreak & government tracers want to know
who was there, expect them to trace back via
contacts listed at venue.
- If that's not the organiser, we expect first attender
to forward request quickly to event
- Event organisers should
retain a list of attender names at event, for
at least as long as law and common sense
requires, & longer if convenient. The organiser's personal list
should be supplemented by names of anyone who
turned up at event, un-booked by email to
bg-org@ as those names will not be in the
bg@ mail
- The organiser usually
announces a list of first names of people
- That announcement is in the
bg@ mail
archive, the mail
archive is readable by all on the
bg@ announcement list.
In event of a Corona
- You are welcome to report latest Beer Garden
individual changes of implementation of Bavarian
regulations etc, to either Beer
Garden Organisers or
List bg-chat@. If writing to
List bg-chat@ join it first as posts from non
members are automaticaly discarded unseen.
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