Between 16 Jun 2016 & Fri, 1 Jul
2016, Bad Mail Providers rejected list
mail from servers including berklix
Bad Mail Providers
Added 2023-05-11:,
- Some other domains might also be served by
these bad providers.
- Bad Providers adopt stupidly simple spam
detector rules, such as "Individual mail we'll pass,
but list mail to more than eg 6 recipients may be spam so
we block unless we can force list operators (like Berklix) to
accept our half baked SPF & similar non standard
2023-05-11: Added, :
Periodicaly they demand mail to them must only be
sent from servers that have installed SPF or DKIM
records ( supposed anti spam measures to help greedy
receiving providers increase their profit at the
expense of admin time of sending providers, some of
which sender domains are run by unpaid volunteers
thus commercial companies extort profit from unpaid
SPF was promoted by Microsoft I recall (so SPF may
be regarded askance in the free software world
as it was clueless Microsoft users who caused the
global spam problem from their virused &
correspondent address harvested MS-PCs).
SPF & DKIM are contentious, considered by some
as cludgey partial inadequate solutions.
Wikipedia on DKIM &
Wikipedia on SPF
Test list mail from Berklix to your
- Don't send test mails as broadcast to main
lists, that annoys many other
- Subscribe to list test.
Unfortunately, as there's usually very few addresses
subscribed at any one time to test (only people
currently testing), you may not trigger & detect
your bad provider's daft bulk spam detect rules by
mailing to test. Maybe later Berklix
will permanently subscribe a number of null addresses
to test@ to get round that idiot detector rule of Bad
Some Good Mail
Of course, there is a world of other good domains also not
Subscribers Of Berklix Lists, Your
Help Requested
Please phone or mail forward this to your Berklix friends on Bad Mail Providers, & tell them if they
haven't received Berklix list mail
with event announcement(s) etc recently, they're still
welcome to join us. They were not removed from Berklix lists. It's
that their Bad Mail Provider has been
deliberately rejecting list mail, including from Berklix, flooding Berklix with
Reject messages, which may then trigger Mailman to
- Do not trust your mail provider, it deliberately
blocked mail, may still be doing so, or may resume
- Complain to your mail provider.
- Plan to Dump your mail provider.
- Ask friends which mail provider they use & why,
there's lots of Good Mail Providers,
many free, & also some paid with phone line etc.) any
not listed above as Bad Mail Providers
should be OK.
Get a 2nd mail provider.
- Notice the Bad Mail Providers
seem to be Microsoft owned, &/or USA based ?
- Some Bad Mail Providers have
been trouble before, trying to cut staff by forcing
their mail admin work (especially for such as list
mail) back on senders & attempting to coerce the
Internet to half baked non standards.
- Better subscribe via a Good Mail
Provider, perhaps owned, managed, run &
regulated in Europe, though most non MS owned, non
USA major providers, anywhere else in the world are
probably also OK.
- Subscribe your Good Mail Provider
- Un-subscribe your Bad Mail
Provider address.
- Use (New)
- If You Remain Subscribed Via Your Bad Mail Provider, Berklix May
Forcibly Un-subscribe You Without Notice, to protect
list owners from reject noise from Bad
Mail Providers.
- If your provider is not listed above, your provider
is Good Mail Provider, Berklix has seen no
error report, no need to ask Berklix if you are
TECHNICAL (non technical people should skip this):
The Bad Mail Providers were trying to
force List Servers to
change header From: & Sender:
fields etc (& some wanted DMARC
& / or other things
aol DMARC Apr 22nd 2014 - DMARC policy to
Marked with S tags as it complains: Access denied by
- yahoo=21
- yahoo
DKIM (Domain-Keys Identified Mail);
SPF (Sender Policy Framework); DMARC
(Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting and
Early July, it seems some Bad Mail
Providers may be backing off again, bounce errors are
reducing; Probably some will try again, as some have tried
before for SPF, it's still worth dumping Bad
Mail Providers for Good Mail
models its headers on FreeBSD.Org (&/or other
independent internet developers).
Berklix is
not coerced by large American owned Bad Mail
Providers or Microsoft inspired (non!) "standards"
lobbies etc:
There have been articles before criticising MS backed
ideas such as SPF; Search for "
SPF considered Harmful" (Here's one at
does not waste time unpaid, pandering to requirements of Bad Mail Provider that often have also
evaded responsibility, failing to provide postmaster@ &
abuse@ addresses).
- Use: (New) Mailman
- Do Not ask humans to do your [un]subscribe work for
you for you.
Such requests are automatically filtered & silently
discarded unseen. We are all unpaid, & we waste no time
on the lazy who refuse to learn the [un]subscribe robot.
Most mail to most lists owners & (New) Mailman & owner
is still automatically silently discarded unseen!
Sorry, Unfortunate. Why it was necessary: Blame lazy
clueless mean people, inc. too many GEA.
- Even though the newer (New) Mailman is
much easier to use than the older (Retired) Majordomo,
the filters remain, to protect list owners & server
administrators from some list members, mainly GEA who
deliberately wasted our time.
- (Retired) Majordomo
worked fine until Aug. - Sept. 2016 when it was phased out
for (New) Mailman
- Numerous non- technical people learnt & used (Retired) Majordomo
- A few people who genuinely admitted computers were not
their thing, got sympathy, & were administrator's
encouragement to provide more information & examples to
try to help.
- (Wouldn't be surprising if (Retired)
Majordomo@berklix might have been one of the best
documented instances of (Retired) Majordomo
on the web.)
- Many list specific pages under also held
examples how to subscribe, un-subscribe etc. (info stripped
since arrival of (New)
- There were also several (Retired) Majordomo
specific help pages, extra info pages & links &
worked examples.
- Despite all that, some refused to read, learn, think,
& try experimenting with variants for success; They
falsely asserted (Retired) Majordomo
did not work, when it was them being lazy, thus ignorant
& failing to think. ).
- Don't believe those who tell you (Retired) Majordomo @
Berklix did not work!
Anecdote: One clown who demanded to waste
administrator's unpaid time, also claimed he was a
programmer! Assumption was he was a liar, bone idle, or
professional incompetent as (Retired) Majordomo
was working; & so many real programmers have learned (Retired) Majordomo
worldwide after a few goes, self included; including all on
some lists on ex (Retired) Majordomo
driven Berklix mail
lists & including other (Retired) Majordomo
servers elsewhere globally.
- (New) Mailman only
needed to replace (Retired) Majordomo
after server hardware failed & OS software upgrades
required new application software.
- Until then, administrator time needed to upgrade to (New) Mailman was
not available for years, as time that could have been used
for mutual benefit of all was persistently wasted by some
list members.
- Selfish lazy people, mostly GEA, refused to learn (Retired) Majordomo,
& persistently demanded administrator waste his time to
do their [un]subscribe change request work for them.
- More time was lost creating & linking ever more
detailed help, how to un-sub & sub, & how & why
to send ascii, & how to look at headers etc: (Basic education for the
computer illiterate) ... That many (not all) GEA people
remained forever too bone idle to use.
- Two thieves stole & replicated the main GEA list,
provoking a storm of duplicate reports, confusion, &
- Numerous people mistakenly wrote to whole lists (ins
some cases, lists of 250 people), asking for personal
subscription changes. That nudged some clueless people to
cascade "Me too" replies to list.
- Some malicious GEA members also encouraged an avalanche
of un-subscribe requests to whole list, instead of to
correct (Retired) Majordomo
un-subscribe request address.
- I don't recall any GEA list member protecting lists by
a short reply on list with a "Do It Yourself - How to Is in
Headers & Footers!". Though that has happily happened
on other Berklix lists & other lists on other
- More admin time was lost adding filters to protect
lists, list owners, & administrator from ignorant list
members inappropriate subscription request noise, &
personal noise from bone idle ingrates.
- Not one member of any list (GEA or other) Ever
requested the option to donate 10 Euros to a charity, to
pay to waste the administrator's time for their personal
- Mailman Owner Refuses To Waste Time
For Infinitely Lazy Thus Clueless People Who Meanly &
Stupidly Refuse To Learn (New) Mailman
- Some list members perpetrated dirtier tricks to disrupt
service, wasting yet more administrator time.
- Though the vast majority of people on many lists
behaved well, & lots already knew or learnt (Retired) Majordomo,
some GEA people - not all - were rotten apples, wasting
administrator time that could have instead gone to
upgrading to everyones benefit.
Above is why:
- Many list owners & (New) Mailman owner
addresses are now protected by automatic junk discard
- Most non technical eg social & sport lists are now
announcements only from listed event organisers, to protect
from incompetents.
- Some announce only lists were given supplementary -chat
lists, to retain original open unmoderated scope, at risk
of inappropriate traffic from incompetents, each person can
make own choice whether just to join LIST-announce@ or also
- Technical lists (except announcements lists) remain
open to all members to post
- Though this above is less open than it used to be, when
every list used to open to be written by every member, it's
as open as possible.
- There are no human "moderators" aka censors on any
list. (The administrator loathes moderated lists
& forums & is Not a moderator/censor here or
elsewhere), he reads lists like you, after someone posts to
- All lists have filters to automaticly silently discard
un-allowed posts to list of form "un-subscribe me" ,
"change my address" etc/. sub & un-subscribe via mail
or web, do it yourself properly like it tells you in headers & footers!.
If your post to a list fails, you were Not
- But list owners will also not see your post ( as
our (New) Mailman
usually silently discard as spam, any mail from any
address not listed as a member.
- So You Yourself Must Check you post with a 'From:'
header that matches you
subscribed address that (New) Mailman
sends to.
- Don't forget the address (New) Mailman
send to may be forwarded via a series of your old
employers or providers.
- Your final receiving address - & who you Think
you are - is totally irrelevant ! Post only with a
'From:' address that matches the address (New) Mailman
mails to you with.
White Lists
A few tips (lightly edited from a list post from
- To make sure you receive future emails, it's a good
idea to 'whitelist' our sender email addresses, eg:
Sender: "LISTNAME" <LISTNAME-bounces @ mailman
.berklix .org> , so that they don't get wrongly
tagged as spam by mistake.
- Here's how you can do that in some of the most popular
email programs:
- 1 In Gmail, click on the downward facing arrow next to
the time of the email and add LISTNAME-bounces @ mailman .
berklix . org to your contacts list. Alternatively, if one
of our mails has been moved to the spam folder, you can
mark it "Not Spam" to whitelist it.
- 2 In Yahoo, look for the plus (+) sign next to
LISTNAME-bounces @ mailman . berklix . org at the top of
this message where it says who it is from. Click on it and
select Add To Contacts.
- 3 In Outlook, right click on this message and select
Junk Email. Then select Add Sender To Safe Senders
- If you use another email system, there should be a
similar option either to record LISTNAME-bounces @ mailman
. berklix . org as a 'safe' address or to save the address
to your address book (which achieves the same thing).
For more tips see /help/majordomo/
If your provider buys anti spam
list services from Sorbs
Tell your provider: Sorbs.Net seems
a commercial blackmailer selling fake spam lists. Sorbs.Net have
for 5 years falsely & libellously listed a Berklix server as a spammer.
Section imported from chilli 2021-06-05,
Appropriate to all lists:
Berklix - Lists:
- No need to invent yet another login name &

- No, we do Not want your profile, we are Not
- No, we do Not harvest your email, we are Not
- No, we don't sell your address lists. We are Not
commercial. (Yes this author has been asked a few times,
& refused).
- No, we do Not try to trap you to interact on line on
our web site, viewing adverts. we are Not commercial. all
you need is intermittent net connectivity for email.
- No, our web server is not slowed, burdened by scripts
(or image link tricks) tracking you. we are Not
- No, cookies
either !
- Yes this section should move to Berklix Top Page
- No, there are No adverts on our
web or mail lists. we are Not commercial.
- announce@ lists are is only writeable by
- Anyone willing to organise events is welcome to join
as an organiser,
- Every social event list has an organisers list, every
organiser can announce unmoderated to their associated
social list.
bg-chat@ & chill-chat@ conf-chat@ & various
tech lists etc are open forum mail list to discuss
social meeting venues & tech topics etc.
- No one is a allowed to be a `moderator':
- NO Berklix
lists are censored by `moderators' (unlike other
Self discipline is mandatory:
- Insults or deliberate provocation etc incites
dispute, degrades lists, & waste time of the
list administrator.
- lists carry no ads etc to pay for
wasters to waste time of list admins.
- also have no censors aka
moderators unlike commercial lists.
- So offenders are simply thrown off lists to
avoid waste of unpaid admin time.
- so if someone steps out of line, please
privately mail them this above, & warn them
they degrade the list, & risk administrator
chucking them off, as others have been chcucked
off before, No one has any right to waste unpaid
administrator time. We're not commercial!
- No Web Chat Forum For
Anonymous Pseudonyms.
Temporary Parking @ 2020-04-30:
Please do not include pictures etc to Berklix
lists! Just send a pointer to a web ref (URL) for
pictures or other MIME enclosures.
If there is no pre-existing URL, you have a choice of
- Asking someone who sent it to you, where they got
it from, Or
- Spending time uploading it somewhere, Or
- Omitting it from the your post.
Pictures etc to lists consume space forever! Berklix
archives can't afford that space!
- Its not like when you private mail someone a picture
they delete when they want. Forget irrelevance about
memory being cheap, realise:
- List data is archived for ever, (subscribers can read
list archive with their password). Lists data traffic is
bundled with config data for backup (that the unpaid
admin. has no time or interest to seperate/ trim/
- Monster commercial companies allow big pictures etc
on lists, but they also have giant server farms in
underground silos, & backdoors to NSA/ GCHQ/ BND
& tracker harvester advert factories eg Google etc,
& their T&Cs allow them to harvest your data
& pics, & they also have lawyers to protect them
from legal liability & copyright etc infringement
claims for traffic they move.
- Berklix has none of that & is Mega small &
tight: All personal data the admin ever typed + backup
archives of all Berklix server configs & traffic is
backed up on a single USB stick on a key ring! (Which can
even reinstall OS, own data, servers & mail archives
all from that single self booting USB stick, to a raw PC
with no initial OS Yes Really !)
Berklix is mega tight packed.! No bulk to lists please,
just text you type.